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hakan mavzer
hakan mavzer

Hakan mavzer  en

Auteur : hakan mavzer
Visité 2634, Followers 1, Partagé 0  
Mots-clés :: choose,could,help,html,turn

How could you help turn you to choose the html asp.

Posté le
Claudio D.

Hello Hakan,

You want to use ASP code in WebSite X5? You can change the file extension from HTML to ASP in Menu 2 - Sitemap Creation - by opening the Page Properties of the file you want to have in ASP. A new window will appear and in the Advanced Section you can choose to have the page in ASP.

Hope this helps.

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Posté le de Claudio D.
hakan mavzer
hakan mavzer

Can you helpa little more openhereöledoes not sayanythingI could not findpictures orvideowould be betterifluexpression

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Posté le de hakan mavzer
hakan mavzer
hakan mavzer

Can you helpdoes not saysomething like thatI could not finda little more openhereif you havepictures orvideoof expressionwould be betterlu  I needto translatethis

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Posté le de hakan mavzer
hakan mavzer
hakan mavzer

How is theotherproblemguestbookiswaitingfor itthank youin advancefor your help

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Posté le de hakan mavzer
Claudio D.

Hello Hakan,

If you open the Project and you go to menu 2 - Sitemap Creation - select the pages that you want to have with asp extension, so you can insert asp code inside, and click on Page Properties. A new window will appear and in this window choose the  "Advanced" tab.

In this Tab you can change the format from HTML to ASP.

About the guestobook, can you please explain me what is your issue?

Many thanks!

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Posté le de Claudio D.
hakan mavzer
hakan mavzer

createa wayto create aguestbookto the site,people whodo not know howto writeme a message,what should I dothank you in advancefor your help

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Posté le de hakan mavzer
Claudio D.

Hello Hakan,

You need to create a page in Menu 2 - Sitemap Creation - where the guestbook will ve visible.

Then you select this page and you open Menu 3 - Page Creation - and you add to the page the "HTML and Widget Object. Once inserted double click on it and on the right menu double click on Guestbook.

The guestbook will be visible only online and not in the preview.

Please let me know if I can help you any further! Thank you!

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Posté le de Claudio D.
hakan mavzer
hakan mavzer

claudio thank you very much for your help last question is to establish a web site thanI am, but what should I do to make this site membership.

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Posté le de hakan mavzer
Claudio D.

Hello Hakan,

You can use the Access Management function in Menu 4 with the Login widget in Menu 3 (HTML and Widget Object) to create a private area. Unfortunately the program cannot create automatically registrations but you need to use the form mail to get the users data and then you can generate them username and password to access the private area.

Hope this helps!

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Posté le de Claudio D.
hakan mavzer
hakan mavzer

How to create anduploadthe xmlsitemapto my sitewaiting foremergencyhelp

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Posté le de hakan mavzer
Claudio D.

Hello Hakan,

If you go on Step 1 - Advanced you will find the option to create the sitemap.xml file.

For every new question please open a new post.

Many thanks!

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Posté le de Claudio D.