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Ray A.
Ray A.

Picture Links Only Work First Time In Gallery  en

Auteur : Ray A.
Visité 2061, Followers 1, Partagé 34  
Mots-clés :: beta,links,pictures

Hey guys, I have a little issue.

On the home page of my website, have created a little gallery slideshow which cycles through 5 pictures. These are comments about our work and promotions.

On two of the pictures (the Autumn & Christmas promotions) I have included a link off to the "specials" page.

These links work great on the first cycle of photos but when the Autumn one comes round again the link dissappears and the same on the Christmas photo.

Any ideas?

I am using V9 and the latest BETA version.

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Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


You are right the links are disappearing.......

Ray set your posts as private if discussing beta..... The staff will deal with it directly for you!!

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Posté le de Cheeky Man
Ray A.
Ray A.

Thanks Cheeky Man...... Is there anyway to set it to private now?

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Posté le de Ray A.
Ray A.
Ray A.

Thanks Cheeky Man...... Is there anyway to set it to private now?

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Posté le de Ray A.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


Repost Ray..........

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