Been hacked, sending massive spam 
Auteur : James BeckerI have 10 X5 websites and each one of them only has ONE email form. The file name on my server is imEmailForm.php. All is well on thoese 10 sites.
I have 1 X5 sebsite that also has only ONE email form, however, the file name is NOT imEmailForm.php. Not only that, as time goes on there appear to be multible imEmailForms named something like the..... imEmailForm09765c8e6.php etc.... This site is sending massive email spam.
I deleted all the imEmailFrom*.php files from the site. Deleted the email html file, from withing X5 I deleted the page the form was on. Then within X5 I rebuilt the email form and and posted it to the site. In less than one hour the form php was replicated with a slitely differant name. See attached png file. What is going on here?
Thanks for your time.
If you have the same consignor email address, it is so.
Have you captcha installed and a security question, e.g. as question: How much is 11 + 7.
It reaches not always only captcha.
Anyone else have any thought about this issue??
Change your password for your webserver. They probably got a hold on it somehow, and therefore they can install files and start hacking. change password for your account on the webserver, remove all files, upload again.
this is normal ... you look at the picture....
Building a security question on the form.
Thanks for the reply Der Zwoemti..... This is strange because on my other 10 sites the file name is simply imEmaiForm.php without all the added stuff.
Why - why - why could answer Incomedia times.
Hello James,
If you have more email forms on your project WebSite X5 creates an imEmailForm*.php file for every form you added with a random string because on every different form there can be different fields and they need different settings. The random string is used to link to file with the form.
I would suggest you to add the "Security question" to your forms.
Please feel free to write back if you need more information.