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Mike P.
Mike P.

I Do Not Get The Answer Unless I Log In  en

Auteur : Mike P.
Visité 1361, Followers 1, Partagé 37  
Mots-clés :: valuespreadsheetfixer

Can I set the posts up to email me like V8 help used to?

I miss getting the answers to my post by email

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Mike P.
Mike P.

I downloaded an FLV converter and converted the mp4 file which then played but the video quality is so poor as to be useless. This is very galling since the original images were good quality.

Incidentaly the browser on this post window is useless because whatever I browse it comes back with this file is not allowed to be uploaded.

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Posté le de Mike P.
Samantha M.

Hi Mike!

At the moment it is not possible yet to receive notifications by email. We have considered the issue and we are working on it therefore it will be possible in the future.

Could I please see a screenshot of the problem?

Thank you!

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Posté le de Samantha M.