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Erik B.
Erik B.

How to play background music?  en

Auteur : Erik B.
Visité 4258, Followers 2, Partagé 0  
Mots-clés :: background,loop,music

How can I play back-ground music on my site?

Is it an MP3 that pays once, or loops?

Thanks for helping me

Posté le
Samuel V.
Samuel V.

Hello Erik,

When you edit your page you could insert a "Video & Audio" widget inside the page. It is located in the right of your window.

If you don't want to use Flash (for mobiles for example), you could insert a HTML block with this HTML5 code inside:


<source src=""type='audio/mpeg; codecs="mp3"'>


Options are in the <audio> tag:

- controls: to show the controls (play, stop, volume)

- autoplay: to start playing when the page is loaded

- loop: to ... loop 

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Posté le de Samuel V.
Der Zwoemti
Der Zwoemti

@ samuel ...if you already have something like that then write correctly. The mp3 alone can not be played in all browsers.

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Posté le de Der Zwoemti
Erik B.
Erik B.

Thanks !

I used the widget.

If I would use the second option, where would I put the HTML code (sorry but I'm not a trained IT person)

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Posté le de Erik B.
Samuel V.
Samuel V.
 The mp3 alone can not be played in all browsers

and Flash won't too Wink

If I would use the second option, where would I put the HTML code

Inside a HTML block. You can find this block in the right of the window when editing your page. This is a large square area where you can put your HTML code into.

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Posté le de Samuel V.
Maohai L.
Maohai L.
Samuel V.
When you edit your page you could insert a "Video & Audio" widget inside the page. It is located in the right of your window. If you don't want to use Flash (for mobiles for example), you could insert a HTML block with this HTML5 code inside: <audio> <source src="" type='audio/mpeg; codecs="mp3"'> </audio>

Hi therel, Is it possible to play the music in all the pages of a domain? (Homepage, page1, page2, pop-ups, ect.)

Thanks for your help,

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Posté le de Maohai L.
Claudio D.

Hello Maohai,

You can add the code in every page but then when you change page it will start from begin. If you want to have it that is not stopped it has to be opened in a new window.

Many thanks!

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Posté le de Claudio D.
Ahmed E.
Ahmed E.

how to add in new windows, so the music is played all over the site with the option of turning the sound off?

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Posté le de Ahmed E.
Claudio D.

Hello Ahmed,

You can use the popup function where you add a page where you added the music player so the player controller are visible to turn it on and off and it will play also if you change page.

Please feel free to write back if you need more information.

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Posté le de Claudio D.
Ahmed E.
Ahmed E.

what about sites that starts with music once you enter them and the music last as long as visitor browse the website, meanwhile visitor may find an icon to stop the music? I need to add a special touch and feeling to the website.

thank you very much

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Posté le de Ahmed E.
Claudio D.

Hello Ahmed,

It depends on how the website is made, because if all the content is on the same page then it will not stop. If the browser loads a new page then the player starts from begin, and it's why most websites loads an popup window. If the website is completely made in Falsh then all the content is on the same page and there's no new page loaded and so it will be possible to have the music playing without stops but these websites will not work on mobile devices and are heavier to load.

Many thanks!

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Posté le de Claudio D.