Version 10. Where are my old templates? 
Auteur : Fedor O.
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Recently upgraded to Evolution 10. My web site pages appearance changed but I do not see any of templates, that I used with evolution 9. How to use old templates from X5 Evolution 9?
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Hello Fedor,
If you mean custom templates then you need to export a project with one the the templates and import it in Version 10 and so it's imported and can be used in every project.
Please feel free to write back if you need more information.
No, it is ot custom template. I'm using Silk sensation from Various in Preset templates. I do not see how I could export template from Ev.9. And when opening projects in Ev. 10 I do not see any of templates, that I could choose before within Ev.9. There is no option in preferences to point to the folder with templates.
Claudio wrote correctly, you have to do export to WebSiteX5 Evo 9 of its project, and then import the same project in WebSiteX5 Evo 10. Your template will be saved as a custom. If this does not help make the mutations both in the standard template, for example insert the picture in the bottom frame. Then, as if he had become a custom.
Клаудио написал правильно, вы должны сделать экспорт в WebSiteX5 Evo 9 своего проекта, и потом этот же проект импортировать в WebSiteX5 Evo 10. Ваш шаблон сохранится как пользовательский. Если такое не помогло сделайте изминения в стандартном шаблоне, к примеру вставьте картинку в нижний фрэйм. Тогда точно он станет пользовательским.