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Kevin H.
Kevin H.

Uploaded copy does NOT look the same as local copy  en

Auteur : Kevin H.
Visité 1735, Followers 1, Partagé 0  
Mots-clés :: upload

Uploaded web site does not look the same as the local copy (compact 9). I created a simple web site. I then added borders to the cells and a background gradient to one of the cells. When I upload it (FTP), the cells do NOT have the borders and gradient. I tried erasing the existing files on the web host and re-uploading everything. Note that if I save the files locally, they look great. I even tried uploading the locally-created index.html and it still does not look right.

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Kevin H.
Kevin H.

UPDATE.  Extra graphics elements do not work on Opera and Firefox (latest version).  However, using latest IE, it DOES work of I use a "compatability view."  I just purchased WebsiteX5-compact 9.  Is it really optimized for older IE browsers, with not all features working on Opera/Firefox (have not tried Chrome yet)?

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Posté le de Kevin H.
Kevin H.
Kevin H.

For some reason, it seems to be working now on Firefox.  I have no idea what changed.

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Posté le de Kevin H.