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Marie M.
Marie M.

Upgrading To Evolution 9 from v7  en

Auteur : Marie M.
Visité 968, Followers 2, Partagé 21  
Mots-clés :: evolution,upgrading

We are currently using an older version of X5 for our school website and would like to upgrade to Evolution9. Can we upgrade without having to create an entire new website? Is this possible and if so, how can we upgrade? Marie

Posté le
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

NO - because the page has been made with the v7 - so you have to import into v8 before you will get the possibility to upgrade to v9.

You can make a *private* post and ask Inco if they will do it for you without buying the v8)

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Posté le de Pcssa .
Riccardo P.

Hi Marie,

you can send me the .IWP project file of Evolution 7 at:

write in object of the email "Post 5880 For Riccardo P. v7 to v9",

so i can convert your project from v7 to v8 and you can open it with Evolution 8 or Evolution 9.

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Posté le de Riccardo P.