ERROR OCCUR xlm 0,0 
Auteur : Dimitrijus F.How to solve problem ERROR OCCUR xlm 0,0. i have two websites. And did not work for whole weekend. Today i found: 1. one of my website - does not start at all, and is without picture. Creations date: 0001,01,01. While starting shows table ERROR OCCUR : xml document 0,0. Also i found on this site - that i should copy lates backup file and rename it to main cataloque as project - that does not work for me, then is table that the header is incorrect! SO HOW TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM? 2. my second website - it starts, very very very slowly. after it was opened i saw that it's background was changed. HOW IT IS POSIIBLlE IF I DID NOT WORK WITH IT FOR WHOLE WEEKEND!!! and my desing is custom. so i picked cutom - and the is no my custom template!!! so what now - create everything from 0!!! and it seems that incomedia or websitex5 update something - cause it change how to pick templates. so Incomedia if you do updates - make it that website would not be damaged of it! and now how to fix this everyhting??? also - will this be everytime as you make update???? this is my work - so give me an answer ASAP so what
Hi Dimitrijus,
Please be patient as Claudio is very diligent and good at answering queries given that he has a large number of people to deal with all at once.
Also, I see that you have already posted about your issue here:
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