Products list object frame height 
Auteur : Barry T.Hello
I've just imported my first project from V9 to V10
First problem I have noticed is that proucts list object frame height was set to 50 in V9 but this is not big enough to accomodate the same product in V10, so now having to set the frame height to 85 to avoid having scroll bars. where products have an option in V9 frame height of 85 was set... in V10 it needs to be 100.
I only ever use text only as an option and I do not want scroll bars showing and each of my products only has a short/description/title.
I really hope I don't have to change each and everyone of the settings for all products... and I may have asked this before but why can't this be a global setting anyway rather than having to set settings for each product... it's very time consuming to do things like this for individual products.
Iv'e included images of the same setting in V9 and V10... I see I can only add one attachment!!
will add the V10 as a reply to this post.
P.S. when I backspace in this message box I find the text goes bold and enlarged and i have to cut and paste it into Notepad to get to normal size... sorry about the extra problem
V10 screencap
Just to add to this I've found out that you can in fact globally set the frame height, just select everything in the product list object and click on settings. However doesn't help if you have different frame heights for different products... still need to check each one individually.
Hello Barry,
From v9 to v10 the cart was partially rewritten and it's possible that some settings differs.
You can set the height (and the other settings) of the product list for each single Product List Object. Hence you don't need to change the height for any product but you have to do it for every Products List Object.
Please let me know if you need further information, thank you
Thanks for your reply.
I now think it's rather pointless importing/converting from V9 to V10.
It would appear that it is impossible to have an object 50 points high without scroll bars appearing... unless you can tell me how this is possible.
Hello Bary,
you can set the frame height in the settings panel of the Product List Object, the default set value is 150px but you can increase it. Did I misunderstand your question?
Hi Michele
Yes i'm aware that I can do that, my concern was the difference between V9 and V10.
I now have to set a minimum of 70px in V10 to achieve the same result as 50px in v9.
If products have variatons its now 100px in V10 in V9 it was 85px.
Now I have a comparitively larger box for an obect... which I guess I will have to live with.
I still don't know how to get a 50 px height though (without scroll bars)... the font size is 8 and this cannot be set any smaller.
It also looks like there is a line of spaces for Product description... I don't use descriptions, so that doesn't help either.
Hello Barry,
could you tell me the url of your site where I can see the issue with the 50px height?
Thank you
Hi Michele
the two screencaps above show the difference
V9 is fine... but V10 needs to be bigger or scrollbars appear.
I've uploaded a v10 version of the website... if you look at this Page ( the product on the left has height set to 50 and the one on the left is set to 70
That should have been the one in the right is set to 70
Hello Barry,
you could add this line of css code in step 1 -> tab expert -> "before closing the HEAD tag":
.overflow-controller {overflow: visible!important };
Hope this helps
Hi Michele
Yes that works, so thanks for your assistance.
Maybe this will be included in your next update?