Adding website to gallery 
Auteur : LogoLogics A.
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I notice that now we only can insert the website URL to show our websites made with Website X.
That is too bad, for in some cases the clients now works on its own website and it does not look the same anymore. Sometimes the website is offline, for that client stopt his activities.
For example see the difference between my work ( see enclosed ) and after the clients starts working on it...
In those cases, we are no longer able to show our work?
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Hello LogoLogics,
sorry but I din't get your question, do you mean the WebSite X5 Gallery on Answers?
Do you use this submission to show your work to your clients?
With the new gallery on Answers you first set your URL website and then fill out the other informations. Morevoer you can modify them anytime you wish clicking on the "pencil icon" showing in the toolbar.
Keep me updated, thank you
Hello Michele,
Thx and no problem!
I mean the website X5 Gallery on Answers yes.
I dont use it to show my work to clients, I just like to share my work with other Website x5 users, I suppose thats why Incomedia makes it possible?
The problem is, that we can only show work if the websites are still active and online.
We cant upload an image of the website to show our work, and the active site changes ( not always in a good way ) if clients start making changes themselfs....
Is there any way we can upload an image instead of inserting a live url?
Hello LogoLogics,
The image is automatically generated and there is no possibility to set a custom image, but you can refresh the image anytime you wish in the edit page of the site.
Anyway the site needs to be live if you want to make the submission.
Ok, I understand, Thx!
TH section where we can upload our templates does not function for a while. Is that going to be fixed soon I wonder?
Hello LogoLogics,
we're currently working on it, It won't take too much time but I can't tell you how much.
Thank you