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joe W.
joe W.

Title tags  en

Auteur : joe W.
Visité 1583, Followers 1, Partagé 0  
Mots-clés :: tags,title

How can I stop the website title appearing on the all the other title tags of other pages at the end of my other title tags....

for example; if my site title was - buy blue pens

I had a felt pen landing page and had the title - felt pens

on my site it appears as - felt pens - buy blue pens

Posté le
Valery K.
Valery K.

A bit technical solutionbut will handle ur situation for now.I

1.Upload the entire site to a disk and change a few codes by hand (That is open the page with an editor say textpad and you will see a tag like ... change whatever is within this tag to the text u want to appear in the heading.) .

2.Then save a copy of that page on the folder on your desktop or USB drive. 

3. then upload just that page from your folder to your server separately after you have uploaded the entire site using X5.Make sure you accept to overwrite the copy on the server.

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Posté le de Valery K.
joe W.
joe W.

so I would have to do this for every page of the website just to make them have the correct title tags?


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Posté le de joe W.
Claudio D.

Hello Joe,

As alternative you can remove the text in step 1 - general settings - "Website title" and then add in step 2 to every page the Extended Page Title which will appear as title tag.

Please feel free to write back if you need more information.

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Posté le de Claudio D.