Cannot export in demo version evolution 10 
Auteur : Yusuf M.
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Created website in Evolution 10 demo version but when exporting to disk or internet it gives message 'this function is not available in this version of X5' and asks to upgrade to full version
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And what is the question? It's a demo, its just to see if you like the program if you want it you need to buy it, exporting is not a -working- function in the demo.
You can use the free version but this has less options but you can upload with it. (at the bottom the free vesrion)
Good luck with your choice.. :)
Hi Yusuf M.,
in the Demo Version, the projects cannot be exported, but once you install the Evolution 10 Version you will find automatically your projects in the list of the existing projects. Once the projects are opened in Evolution 10 it will be possible to use the template library, and all functions of the full version to make them more complete and publish them online.