Java Applet Code Insertion Problem
Auteur : Nigel W.
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Hi there...
Can anyone give me the code for inserting a java applet, where all the associated files are in a different directory?
(This is so I can keep my java applets in tidy directories on the server and not have to upload it all in the root, where the WebsiteX5 html is.)
Here is my example...
<applet code=SlidingPuzzle.class archive=SlidingPuzzle.jar width=650 height=450>
All the files are at "/games/slidingpuzzle/*.*
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Hi Nig,
This is using the "RELATIVE" URL:
<applet code=games/slidingpuzzle/SlidingPuzzle.class archive=games/slidingpuzzle/SlidingPuzzle.jar width=650 height=450>
Insert the "ABSOLUTE" (FULL) URL for it to show in X5!! I cannot examine the files so I presume you know what and where you are putting this is correct........
Hi Frank...
How's tricks?
Nope...this doesn't work.
I can't get much from the programmer but he states:
"You can simply add a tag called "codebase" for the folder name"
I've tried that but I probably keep getting the format wrong.
Here's the basic for the game. (without other stuff)
As I say, THIS works ok for within the game's folder but I'll be damned if I can get the format right for WebX5.
<applet code=SlidingPuzzle.class>
<param name=photo value="KenwoodHouse.jpg">
<param name=titleimage value="SlidingPuzzle_banner.gif">
<param name=winfile value="">
<param name=movefile value="">
All files are at*.*
I need it written out for me to copy I!
You were ABSOLUTEly!
The programmer finally came up with the answer in print.
For any others wondering...this is the solution, in my particular case:
<applet code=SlidingPuzzle.class archive=SlidingPuzzle.jar width=650 height=450 codebase="">
<param name=photo value=""> <param name=solvebutton value="1"> <param name=titleimage value=""> <param name=winfile value=""> <param name=movefile value=""> <param name=bgimage
etc. etc. (that's just the basic stuff without all the parameters, if you follow)
Cheers guys!
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