Javascript Query 
Auteur : Nigel W.
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I don't THINK there's a real solution to this but I'm asking, anyway...
Whenever I have a javascript called up on a page for a game, etc., and I have set the horizontal WebX5 menu to drop down with the page scroll...the menu appears to pass behind the applet.
Not a real problem and I have had this happen with other software but does there happen to be a solution?
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Hello Nigel,
Can you send us a screeshot of your problem? Have you inserted an applet or a custom script in the WebSite X5 Evolution 9?
Hi there Luca...
They're all applets.
In this enclosed screenshot you can just see the horizontal menu bar hiding behind the applet.
(The menu bar moves up and down as it should do, of course)
Hello Nigel,
Have you insert a script html for applet? Can you send us the html code that you have inserted? It is probably taht applet (make with plugin flash?) has the focus on html generated. For this the focus is active and superior at the html page.
Hi there...
They're all much the same, with the codebase pointing to a particular folder.
You will see the page itself here:
(There ARE a lot on here but the effect happens regardless of quantity. I receive this on loads of different web-making softwares so it seems like an innate problem of JavaScript)
This is an example of a sliding puzzle placed straight to an HTML cell:
<applet code=SlidingPuzzle.class archive=SlidingPuzzle.jar width=650 height=450 codebase=""> <param name=regcode value="xxxxxxxxxxxx"> <param name=loading value="1"> <param name=frames value="30"> <param name=delay value="20"> <param name=photo value=" Gardens.jpg"> <param name=scramblestart value="0"> <param name=solvebutton value="1"> <param name=titleimage value=""> <param name=titlepos value="150 10"> <param name=gamepos value="40 65"> <param name=startpos value="569 120"> <param name=solvepos value="569 150"> <param name=timerpos value="569 80"> <param name=winfile value=""> <param name=movefile value=""> <param name=bgimage value="none"> <param name=panelbg value="104 136 9"> <param name=panelfg value="255 255 255"> <param name=buttonbg value="255 255 255"> <param name=buttonfg value="128 0 0"> <param name=mouseover value="255 0 0"> <param name=maxmoves value="-1"> <param name=maxtime value="-1"> <param name=winlink value="none|_self"> <param name=loselink value="none|_self"> <param name=row value="5"> <param name=col value="5"> <param name=NewGameText value="Start"> <param name=SolvePuzzleText value="Solve"> <param name=RowText value="Row:"> <param name=ColText value="Col:"> <param name=MovesCountText value="Count:"> <param name=BestText value="Best:"> <param name=WinText value="Kenwood House"> <param name=LoseText value="Game Over!"> </applet>
Hello Nigel,
we suggest of setting your tag html applet with size of height less than the space of menu. You can then insert the applet code resize with height less to 450 in the tag html. Have you try to resize the tag html?
Hi Luca...
I cannot understand!
Hello Nigel,
you should try to resize applet from HTML code which you have inserted. Have you try to resize the size of applet? The applet don't appear on menu of website.
I'm probably being dense but I just can't grasp what you are saying.
I can resize the applet and, indeed, I HAVE made it larger than the original.
HOWEVER, it is still LESS width than the menu width.
"The applet don't (doesn't) appear on menu of website"???
I think you will have to do a diagram for me as I just cannot understand your syntax.
(Maybe you can email me)
Sorry about this...
Hello Nigel,
you can try to send in attach your HTML code for applet, and file SlidingPuzzle.class, SlidingPuzzle.jar and all files present in your applet. You can zip this files and send us. So we can make test for applet. Otherwisewe cannotunderstand how load the applet.
I will but where do I send it???
It's slightly bigger than 1024k
Hmmm...that no longer works SO WHERE DO I SEND IT??????
Hello Nigel,
you should send us the file to email address and not email to *** because this email is not load correctly.
Ok Luca...
Sending it now!
Have you received the file???
Nigel try loading the "Transparency" Parameter:
<param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param>
Otherwise I suggest going for a "FLASH" sliding puzzle......
Hi Frank...
it's not a massive problem and it has happened throughout the years on every javascript that I have ever used.
Just thought I'd see if the Incomedians had a general!
I'll try your idea.
Happy New Year. I hope Father Christmas bought you some good dongle oil!
Nig...... JaveScripts clash and aren't up-to-date as they should be in some cases.
Let me know if you want the flash site they're easier to impliment!!