Text within picture galery 
Auteur : Heinrich S.
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The text assigned to an individual picture is being covered by the navigation bar, as soon as the cursor moves on the picture.
Have a look at this site http://www.airmatec.ch/incomedia where the problem is visible.
Posté le
I do have serious doubts about the user support for this product. This site is called "Answers". But I do find nothing but questions...
The issue mentioned above is an obvious bug. From a support site I would expect a "list with know issues". So the user can expect a solution in the near future.
I'm about the put my new site online. But I do need to know, if I can expect a solution or if I do have to work around it.
Regards Heinrich
Hi Heinrich,
The feature used in X5 works OK for me as most of the time you want to see the full picture.
Why not add the text to the image using image editibg software, which is how I solve the problem.
regards Nigel
Hi Nigel,
so you stepped over the same problem and just looked for a work around? Your choice! I insist, the software does the work for me instead of me doing hers.
I use this feature to document work cycles. We are talking about hundreds of pictures. You're "solution" is not really a soultion, don't you agree?
I could even program the whole site manually in HTML... but that's not what you buy a software for, isn't it?
Hello Heinrich,
This is the setting of the Gallery Object to hide the description to show the image completely once you move the mouse over it. It is not a bug. This is the behaviour of the HTML5 gallery alreasdy introduced in Version 9.
t the moment it is not possible to changethe behaviour of this object. I would like to suggest that you open an "Idea" Post where you describe to us the feature you would like to see implemented in the future releases of WebSite X5.
Please feel free to write back if you need more information.
Hi Claudio,
although I do not like what I hear, I do appreciate you answering my question! Thanx!
I will do as suggested. In the mean time please let me know if an easy solution pops into your mind to solve the problem temporarely.
Hello Heinrich,
If there is an easy solution I will inform you but the best solution is to wait to see if the Developers introduce the suggested function so it will be easier to use it.
Many thanks!
Hi Claudio,
I just installed the new version ( and I'm very disappointed to find, there has not been any change in the problem discussed above.
Is there a list available to see what issues the developpes are about to address? This is what I see with other software developping companies?
Hello Heinrich,
You can find the list of the changes made in the program with every update on
Since this is the standard behaviour of the gallery and not a bug it is taken in consideration as improvement for the function. Unfortunately I cannot tell you if and when this will be made.
Many thanks!