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Sandeep S.
Sandeep S.

Change Font in Website  en

Auteur : Sandeep S.
Visité 1635, Followers 2, Partagé 21  
Mots-clés :: change,font,website

When i am changing a font in website x5 and when the website is live it works in my pc finely but in other pcs if they dont have that font the font style doesnot appears what to do

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Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . only *Webfonts* are installed in all computers - if you use a different one it will bge *replaced* by the browser . . .

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Posté le de Pcssa .
Sandeep S.
Sandeep S.

can  i upload a font to my hosting folder then it will work or not

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