Captcha problem 
Auteur : José B.
Visité 2022,
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Hi There, Have a problem with the Captcha. I have two Emails forms on my website, on one Captcha works on the other it doesn't. and Have been switching captcha within two forms and only ONE works if both forms have Captcha enabled. For now I have one with captcha and one with question mark. Does anyone have an Idea?
If both are enabled with Captcha you get wrong awnser on one!!
BTW: Can't find any related messages on X5 awnsers.
Regards José B
Posté le
Hello Jose,
Try to remove the email form object on and then add it again and then press CTRL while you start the preview. Once done export the complete project online and then once uploaded in the browser press CTRL + F5 and then test it again.
Please keep me updated.
Hi Claudio,
Thanks for your quick response.
Read your comments and before perform your tips I went to my web on provider site.
Looking at the files and saw two different files for my 'nieuwsbrief.html'.
One nieuwsbrief.html one and another nieuws_brief.html (year 2012) the first created.
Deleted nieuws_brief.html, changed question mark into captcha, uploaded site and oila, problem solved.
Thanks anyway for your awnser, maybe others on 'Awnser X5' can use this explanation.
José B.