Import tool help 
Auteur : Diane G.After saving my files and uploading to my website. I religiously export the file to a thumb drive, plus the files are backed up on Norton and MyCloud.
My hard drive has become unstalbe which resulted in several crashes since November. Solution -- new hard drive. I made sure everything was backed up. After I installed a new hard drive I installed Windows 7 64 bit Professional (I was running Home Premium 64 bit). I reinstalled x10 yesterday with no trouble. Last night I wanted to update a few pages on my website, I attempted to import the Incomedia files from my thumb drive. Import tool can't find the extension. The folders are there, but not the extension.
Now what? Please do not tell me I have to recreate the pages over again.
Can someone take the folders and make them "import-able?"
Melbourne, FL USA
(My humble website)
My first question: Did you use for backup purposes page 5 "export project" ?
Or page 5 "export website" ?
If it is website, then I'm sorry but that can not be imported. You have to start again, but you can reuse text files and pictures (from internet or your thumb drive)
If it is project then you are safe and you should be able to import it. There should be one file named as your project name is with the extension iwzip like: your_project_name.iwzip
That can be imported using the button import at the page project sulution. that's the first page after starting up X5.
I hope you used export project !
Absolutely, I used the export project function. Just the same i can not find the .iwzip file to import
I have attached a screen shot of what I am able to see. There isn't anything with that extension.
Ok I found the problem.... I have the iwzip files on another thumb drive that I thought I had looked at. I didn't realize I had two different backups.
So all is well after all. Whew.
Thank you so much for the insight and assistance.
Good dryrun to make sure you know the difference with the export options! Its been 4 months, but now I recall using both options as a safety net (on different thumb drives).
I know from now on to go back and look at the file, if I don't see the incomedia icon, I can't import it.
OK nice to see it workd out.