How to Add BLOG 
Auteur : Pete S.Hi,
I am new to Websitex5 10 Professional and need some pointer regarding how to create a BLOG. I looked at several video's and the BLOG is mentioned, but not really explained. I looked here in this resource site and most of the BLOG questions and answers are not in English, so hard to get any information out of the posts.
Here is my question. I go in and in Advanced Setting click on the Blog icon and this takes me into setting up my BLOG. This I complete with the name, description, check off RSS feeds, setup the layout and left this mainly as the default setting. I finish up and click OK and I am done, I thought - lol
OK now when I go to the Set Creation option Step 2, am I suppose to see an item under Special Pages call "BLOG"? In my case I do not . . .!
OK add a page in manually and in Step 3 navigate to the page I just added. I do not see the BLOG item listed in the Available Objects. I tried looking out in Google and watched at lease 5 to 6 videos plus the ones on the WebsiteX5 site, the BLOG is referred to with pointing to the advanced option and saying click here to easily setup your own BLOG, but that is where things end.
After all morning of looking all over I have to admit I am totally stumped at how to add a BOLG into my website. ANY ASSISTANCE WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!
Pete the "Iceman" from Canada.
you can't make the blog manualy by creating a page on step3.
in step 4 setup your blog,after all the setting was finish, add a post to your blog.
get back to step 2, if you didn't your blog page over there, restart the program.
remember, even if you see the blog page in step 2, by clicking on it, it will take you automaticlly on step4 blog, there is not much setting for blog.
if after restart still the blog wasn't show in step2, save your project go to step5, choose export project, save it into your computer, restart your program, it will be there.
if this post is the correct answer, please mark this answer as correct answer.
Good Luck (coming soon)(Sign up to be notified when we launch!)
Hi Anthony,
OK I followed you instructions and now have the Blog page appearing under Special Pages. I linked it in the Sitemap Step 2 and have it as a menu items and seems to be working.
Note sure what restarting the program did, but I did not see the BLOG page prior to doing this.
Thanks, I am marking this solution as correct as your instructions are the fix.