Adding blog to existing site 
Auteur : Larry Welsh
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I want to add the blog feature to my existing web site. The blog is not very user friendly. Any suggestions? TIA
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what do you mean by that?
this is as simple as you can get.
if you create a blog with different platforms you will realize that. since it does not have to many options and features, its pretty simple to set it up.
let me know if you have any question for setting it up, I would be more than happy to help you with.
if this post is the correct answer, please mark this answer as correct answer.
Good Luck (coming soon)(Sign up to be notified when we launch!)
Thank you for your offer of assistance. Unfortunately I do not have any exposure to any other blog platforms to compare with.
I have a blog setup with WebsitX5 version 8, and it is working. I am creating a new site with websiteX5 10 Evolution and not having much luck.
On the new site when some one enters a comment they get the message "There was a problem during the comment insertion."
I have set the same permissions that I have for the version 8 blog that is working. However here are some concerns;
1) Even though I indicated my public folder while setting up the blog, the folder does not seem to be created when I upload the site to my hosting provider. I have tried to create the folder in a couple locations with out much success.
2) With Version 8 (bought through SummitSoft) and version 10 Compact, I indicate the password to log in and approve comments while creating the blog. This option is not present with the version 10 Evolution, so I do not know the password to log in. (yikes, just realized I have bought this product three times).
For my origional question, it dealt with creating the blog and just linking to it from the home page created with another editoe. I have abandoned this effort for the time being.
Again thanks for your help,
I figured out how to specifiy the password in Evolution. Now only need help with item 2.. the error I get when attempting to enter a comment is:
Okay, even though I am pretty dense. I finally got it! Most of the issue was having no experience with databases. However, other complications were introduced by the differences in WebSiteX5 versions.
As previously stated I have (SummitSoft’s version) WebSiteX5 8.0.15, WebsiteX5 10 Compact, and WebSiteX5 10 Evolution. The big difference is that WebSiteX5 10 Evolution needs a database, where as the other two must create their own. Additionally, the first two have you put your administrator password in the comment section of the blog, while Evolution has an access system that needs to be completed and included in the website (for reviewing and approving comments), there is also a test section. Both of these are accessed using
To expand on this for folks that use GoDaddy for a hosting provider. There is an option to create a database under your hosting control panel. When you create the database you need to enter a name for the database, a username and password. GoDaddy will provide you an IP “address:port” that is different then your site address. The Database name, IPadddres:port, as well as the user name and password used to create the database on GoDaddy needs to be included in the WebSiteX5 database settings (under advanced).
I had issues with the location of the read/write folder. I had read that if I left it blank the default would be used. However there is not indication what the default was. Leaving it blank did not work. Next, in the WebSiteX5 blog setup, I indicated a folder that I created on my site (also entered in the database setup), still a no go. Finally I just used /blog and that solved the issue. I'm sure that there is a simple solution for this also. Keep in mind that the (same) read/write folder needs to be indicated in database and the blog setup.
Anyway, I hope that my experience will help other users setup their Blogs. And I must say that Anthony was correct. It is pretty simple. uhh.. if you understand the basics...