Shopping Cart 
Auteur : Anthony A.Shopping cart needs improvement, shopping cart should not be empty unless invoice being paid.
right now shopping cart generate the invoice for customer and send it to them without pay off!
let say I have a credit cart terminal, like 100 different shopping carts, visitor add items to shoping cart, ready to check out, after filling the form it should go to terminal for pay, then shows the message " thank you for shopping with us, etc".
right know after they fill the form, it shows thank you for shopping with us, you order has been place now hit the buynow button, etc!
we should have more advance payment modules, the most usefull one is "Paypal Advance" (which includes paypal, pay me later, and terminal for credit card) and for more advance businesses "Paypal Pro".
another problem with current shopping cart is, once they fill the form, program make the cart empty and generate invoice number, if they change their mind and want to add another item to cart, they can not, because cart is empty (keep in mind they didn't pay yet) cart should be empty after invoice being paid and not before.
another important improvement is stock control, many items are limited, for example you only have 10 of XO cd's, there is no control in shopping cart to not be added more than 10 of xo item. also we should have ability to limit an item for 1 per customer/invoice.
discount ribbon's and new ribbons: we should be able to add those ribbons from setting inside product list widget without need to set anything inside step4 shopping cart.
tax: we should be able to remove the tax column for shipping, if we dont need to charge tax for shipping, right now still shows tax column with $0.00.
discount coupon: we should be able to set % or fix amount for discount.
we should be able to put limit for coupon: for example if there are 10 different items in shopping cart only 1 item get the discount and not the whole shopping cart.
or the coupon being set for period amont of time( like 3 days) and get disable automaticly.
we should be able have real memebership database, so in that case once customer open an account, shopping cart knows and uses customers information stored in shopping cart database, so they dont have to each time fill the form (name, address, country,etc)
I think if you would be able to create a integraded database for shopping cart, you would be able to add stock control and many functions as well.
Also that databese need to be able to be in touch with the server's database, so while we update (let say add products) inside our database and if something has been soled on the internet, these two database needs to be able to sync to make sure every thing runs smooth and there no conflict.
for products add on, we should be able to create more than one drop down for product, and drop down should only be visible under product and not inside shopping cart, so once you choose your product and hit the add, the final choice being showed inside shopping cart.
please let your developer be aware of these issue otherwise incomedia will be far away from lates changes in webdesign languages/technology/programs/interfaces
Thank you and Keep up the good work.
Hello Anthony,
Thank you very much for the suggestions. The developers will take them in consideration for the future releases of the program.
About the invoice, the program is not generating an invoice with invoice number but only an order where the payment needs to be verified manually and then you can make an invoice for it.
Many thanks!
Hi Anthony,
I have been busy and only just noticed your post.
This cart problem has been an annoyance for quite some time, with one or two people having to be reminded to pay – the payment link button also appears on the confirmation email they are sent.
I partially solved the problem on my sites by changing the script shown to stating that the order had been recorded but would not be fulfilled until the payment was made using the 'Buy Now' button to make a secure payment.
You can change the cart page and mail script by clicking the small button at ‘Step one’, ‘General Settings’ that is to the right of ‘Content Language’ selection.
I changed the script of the ID content ‘the cart_step4_descr’ to:
Your order has been recorded and will be processed as soon as possible after your payment has been received.<br /><br />Please click on the buy now button to pay for the order.<br /><br /> A confirmation e-mail will be sent to you with all the data entered as well as shipment and payment details.<br /><br />In order to track your order, please note your Order Number:
Since making this change to the wording I have not had anyone skipping the payment step.
Best Regards,
Mark, thank you for your idea!
I changed the script as you suggested.
Hopefully, the cart improvements and as many of Anthony's sugestions will be implemented soon.
Best regards,
Cristian M.