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Tom D.
Tom D.

Change the list of the search index  en

Auteur : Tom D.
Visité 1993, Followers 1, Partagé 0  
Mots-clés :: cart,field,results,search

Hello all, 

I would like to change the list at the left of the search results page, and the results pages itself. Because i have a lot of products in my page, but none of them are 'buyable'. They are only there for information.

So i removed the price, the shopping cart and the amount in the productpages, but when i use the search function, it gives as results the tab 'shopping cart'. This has to be changed in Products. And next the search results for shopping cart, shows prices and the 'buy now' button. How can i change this? 

Best regards, 


Posté le
Anthony A.
Anthony A.

there was a post here, someone wanted to remove add to cart button from product list, so I told him what to do, that might help you as well. I dont know how you remove the add to cart icon but this was my advise to him:

first remove the quanity field, go to your product list object, click on setting and remove the check mar  for "show quanity field".

now for the second part:

there is no automatic way, right now the fastes way is to create your catalog, then export your website, go to your catalog page, open it with wordpad (if you publish inside your computer) then fine this line under every product:

<img style="cursor: pointer; position: absolute; bottom: 0; right:0;" width="16" height="16" src="cart/images/cart-add.png" onclick="x5engine.cart.ui.addToCart('yf4z98os', $('#product_1yf4z98os_qty').val(), $('#product_1yf4z98os_opt').val(), $('#product_1yf4z98os_subopt').val());" alt="Add" title="Add" />

then remove it, save your wordpad, open your page with your browser (like IE or mozilla) you will see that basket is gone

if this post is the correct answer, please mark this answer as correct answer.


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Posté le de Anthony A.
Tom D.
Tom D.

Hello Anthony,

Thank you for your answer! but that is not really my problem. My problem is the Search results page. For the Catalogue i have a quicker action, if go to the advanced page in setting, place after closing of the tag /head <style> body .imProductListText img{visibility:hidden!important; } </style>. But that doesn't work for the search results page...

Gr. Tom

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Posté le de Tom D.
Anthony A.
Anthony A.

Hi Tom

thats why I suggest to do it in my suggested way, to see does that change the result for search engine or not. try it to see what will happen!

if this post is the correct answer, please mark this answer as correct answer.


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Posté le de Anthony A.
Tom D.
Tom D.

Thank you. i will try this, but at the moment i have 600+ products in my list, and there are 1200+ coming. So that would be a lot of work... 

Thanks anyway!

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Posté le de Tom D.