Menu background: how to change it 
Auteur : Antonio G.
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l have just upgraded from Website x5 EVO 9 to EVO 10.
l have a 'custom template' ( As l uploaded this template/website to EVO 10 l have lost the background of the menu (among other things...). l cannot find any option in EVO 10 that allows to change the menu background (as you could easily do in EVO 9).
What can l do?
So far, upgrading to EVO 10 has only been a total pain :-(
Posté le
l leave attached a picture of the old background (new background image in previous post).
Buongiorno Antonio,
devi andare al passo 1 in modifica modello, seleziona il menù e setta o il colore di sfondo a inserisci l'immagine per lo sfondo della sezione del menù.
Guarda il mio screenshot se hai difficoltà.
Spero di esserti stato utile.
***** Google Translation:
usted tiene que iral paso 1en la plantillade edición, seleccioneel menú yconfigurar el colorde fondo o añadirla imagen en elfondode la seccióndel menú.
Mire mipantallasi tiene problemas.
Hello again,
Thanks for your answer.
However, l do not think you understood my problem. Could you please read my initial post again?
The solution you gave me works fine for Website X5 Evo 9. ln fact, that is how l created my website's menu in the first instance.
The problem comes when l upgraded to W. Evo 10: l do not have those 'menu' options anymore.
Therefore my question:
What can l do?
Thanks in advance,
Buongiorno Antonio,
il mio screenshot è riferito a WebSite x5 Evolution 10. prova a inviarmi uno screenshot di quello che visualizzi tu così da capire meglio.
Fammi sapere.
***** Google Translation:
mipantallase informaaWebSite X5Evolution10.tratando deenviaruna captura de pantallade lo que vespara que pueda entendermejor.
Déjeme saber.
Hello again,
Thanks for your quick response. l am sorry, l thought your screenshot was an 'EVO 9' capture. l was wrong, sorry.
ln step 1 (of EVO 10) l only have 2 choices. l leave attach an screenshot of 'choice 1', and l will attach 'choice 2' in another message (it appears that l can only attach here one file at a time).
Thanks again for your help.
PS: Let me know if you prefer that l write in Spanish
Please find attach a screenshot of EVO 10, step 1, 'choice 2'.
My guess is, maybe, since my template is a custom one (and l edited in EVO 9), it may be the case that EVO 10 has limited options. l will try with a new template and see what happens.
Thanks again.
Hello there,
My guess was right. Using a new custom template, l have access to the 'normal' options. The problem is, having these options on my old template.
Basically, there seem to be a compatibility problem between the EVO 9 and EVO 10 versions. They do NOT seem to be fully compatible as it is advertised.
l might have to re-do the entire website again... Not sure if it's worth it, though.
lf you happen to know how to sort out my problem, please, let me know :-)
Thanks for your help!
Buongiorno Antonio,
nella sezione di modifica del template, devi selezionare la sezione del menù così da poter modificarla inserendo per esempio uno sfondo. Guarda il mio screenshot se hai difficoltà.
***** Google Translation:
en la secciónde edición de laplantilla, debeseleccionar lasección del menúpara que puedaseditarloinsertando, por ejemplo,un fondo.Mire mipantallasi tiene problemas.
Sure... Problem is l do not have access to that menu from my old (W. EVO 9) website. l can only access to that menu using a completely new template...
Honestly, l don't know what the problem is. lt must be something abomut 'compatibility' of both versions (Evo 9 - Evo 10)... Otherwise, why would l not have the same menus depending on what template l use? lt just makes no sense...
Buongiorno Antonio,
purtroppo non riesco a capire quello che vuoi realizzare, prova a creare un nuovo template e reinserire le varie dimensioni e immagini così da ricostruirlo.
Fammi sapere.
***** Google Translation:
lamentablemente no puedoaveriguar loque quiere lograr,intentocrear unanueva plantilla yreemplazarlasimágenes, así comodiversostamañosy reconstruirlo.
Déjeme saber.
lt is not your fault. You have helped me as much as you could.
lt is the program, it's not fully compatible with the previous version. Now, l will have to re-do the entire website or leave it the way it is in version EVO 9, and then, forget about EVO 10 and that l spend 40 chf to buy it.
Thanks for your help in any case :-)