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Roland R.
Roland R.

Can't find iwprj file after upgrade to v.54  en

Auteur : Roland R.
Visité 873, Followers 1, Partagé 0  

After installing the upgrad to v10.54 the old project files do not show up under "edit existing rpoject"

When i tried to force an open by using "open with" from explorer , all I get is an upgrade page. When I click start from that page, the old projects are not there.

How do I get my old projects back.

Sample empty window attached.

WEbsite is

Posté le
Roland R.
Roland R.

Found a way to get website x5 to see project file by sresetting Prefernce which apparantly got overwritten by upgrade. However, now I get an error that says

"can't find /libraries/index.xml"

There is no such file listed in that directory

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Posté le de Roland R.
Claudio D.

Hello Roland,

Please try to open the path shown in the error message and verify if inside you find a file called backup.xml

If you find this file rename it to index.xml and then try again to open the project.

Please keep me updated.

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Posté le de Claudio D.