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Patrick V.
Patrick V.

When I open an existing project, settings of the template are changed , like using a table, the color of the lines is gone, was grey, now white, the head, which I made biiger in a newer project is biiger here to, so, several settings are different, how come? and how can I solve this?  en

Auteur : Patrick V.
Visité 863, Followers 1, Partagé 0  

Very weird to me that if you have page layouts change in one layout = one language , in 1 project, and not uploaded this, that the layout of the others changes also

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Claudio D.

Hello Patrick,

Does the settings are only different in the template or in other parts of the project?

Are you using the same template for different projects?

If you use the same template and then you change the settings of it for one the same will be present also on the other one.

In this case you need to duplicate it so the changes will be present only on the new one.

Many thanks!

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Posté le de Claudio D.