Full Upload despite a minor change in one page 
Autore: JULLIEN MarcBonjour, This message to share that since I have loaded the latest available version it happens that minor changes in one of my pages are trigging a "full updload" instead to only upload the regarded update.
Description of the pb : : I have changed the content of a text box in one of my pages (to correct a miss spelling) then I have started the upload. The analisys part of the upload (green Bar) has taken a long time then the full upload has started instead to only upload the new updated text of my page.
This is not the first time it happens I so have decided to submit an analisys because this is a true concern as my site needs "hours" to be uploaded (a full night). I'm so upset to loose such a long time for such a minor change.
Tks for your support, Rgds, Marc
Hi J. Marc
If I understand correctly, what you changed is just text inside a Text Object in a page completely separated by the rest.
Could you attach a screenshot of such page? If you attempt this again now, can you confirm that if you change a single letter in that object and perform a new upload the whole website will be reuploaded again?
keep in mind that even very minor changes in some kind of setting can cause the website to re-upload almost completely.
Can you find a situation where this always happens systematically?
Please verify this again and keep me posted here
Thank you