More Online Store Questions 
Autore: Melissa K.Hey folks,
So, I've been trying to work on an online store for a customer, using the suggestions given, however we've hit a bit of a snag I'm hoping someone can help with this:
1 - When selecting a payment method when purchasing, there's a cost associated with the service. However, that would be more considered as a fee, and I'd like to name it as such, because it's otherwise confusing:
But so far I haven't found it or it doesn't seem to be an editable term.
2 - I'd like to ask again if there's any way to separate the payment and confirmation pages. Or at the very least, if there's a way to make the payment button show up BEFORE the text saying 'thank you for your order' or something to that effect?
3 - Another question I'd like to ask again:
My client wants to have two items on their store, one free, one paid. Now, the last time, the suggestion was to make the free item not go through the store, however, my client wants the expireable download link that the store utility provides, plus to be able to get the client's information in order to make sure there aren't any spam downloads etc.
So then I'd like to know, what solutions are there? Because the only thing I can think of is to create two payment methods, one is for the free items, and one is for paid items. But we're worried that people might confuse the two or try to use one for the other (ie - pay when they don't have to or vice-versa).
Any help would be appreciated.
Hello Melissa,
In answer to your questions:
1. You can change the text from 'Price' to whatever you like using the Language Content Management window ( - click on the icon to the right of the Content Language field to access it (highlighted in red in screenshot below)
2. This option already exists in the software, having been introduced in version 2019.2.3 - see the changelog (
Order confirmation e-mail: We've introduced the option of choosing whether the order confirmation e-mail should be sent from the shopping cart before or after the payment is made.
Instructions on how to set up the various emails/notifications can be viewed here:
3. Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done about this particular issue using the features available within WebSite X5 at the present moment. However, some other member of the community may offer you assistance with a custom coding solution.
Kind regards,
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Hi Paul,
1 - As far as I can tell, that would change the title in the cart, where it says Description, Price, Quantity, Subtotal. I'd like to change the one with the payment options below.
2 - I'm not referring to the email, I'm talking about the page itself. Currently, the order process in the website is Your cart > Your details > Confirm your data > Done. I'm wondering if between the Confirmation and Done, there could be a Payment area, wherein the client could pay if need be.
3 - Fair enough, what about creating two stores? Is it possible to have two distinct carts going on? One for free items and one for paid?
Thank you,
1. The setting I highlighted does change the wording in the payment options setting you refer to (see screenshot below). The cart_price variable does double duty as it affects the wording in the product table and shipment/payment table simultaneously. Without resorting to custom coding a possible solution would be to give the variable a value of 'Price/Fee' or 'Cost' or something similar?
2. The generally accepted way to do that is to edit the value of the cart_step3_gonext variable in Language Content Management to better reflect the order you would like. For example, in the screenshot below I have changed the text from Buy now to Continue (you could also change it to Place Order or anything else you wish)
3. I am not aware that it is possible to have two distinct carts within one WebSite X5 project, but I will ask Incomedia to comment on this for you. You might not get a reply from them until early next week, however, bearing in mind they do not work over the weekend.
Hi Paul,
Thank you for your responses. Regarding isue #3, I will await for Incomedia's response.
1 - Is there any way to not have it be both? Because technically what you're setting up for the payment is a fee for using the service. Which is different from the cost of price for an item.
2 - I understand that, but the question and my concern is referring to what's on the next page.
Once you click continue, you get one page that gives you a 'thank you for your order' type of message, an order/confirmation number, and then below it a button to pay.
I think that it doesn't make sense. Whenever you go to purchase something online, they always put the payment page separately. Which is what I'd like to do.
There is currently no easy way to separate the functionality of the cart_price variable, but Incomedia will be aware of your desire to do so after reading this thread.
The checkout 'steps' are fixed and hard-coded by the software, and it is not possible to change the order or number of them at the present moment. However, just as with the cart_price and cart_step3_gonext variables, it is possible to edit and rewrite virtually all of the text content within the checkout process. If you do this then you can make step 3 the order confirmation page and step 4 the payment page (for online payment methods).
Incomedia will be able to comment further in their reply, which you should receive shortly.
Hello Melissa
I'll try to add a little insight on each answer given by Paul:
1_ I can confirm what Paul stated. That particular line will be translated into all the places where it is used inside the checkout process. There is currently no way around this except modifying the code manually after the website has been exported.
2_ I can confirm what Paul stated yet again. The entire process flow is hardcoded into the generated files and it is currently not possible to change it. You can still customize most texts in there to make it more clear to your users should you need to provide further explanation about some step in particular
3_ It is definitely not possible to have more than one cart system in the same project. If you need something to be downloadable for free, why not create Reserved access pages with Download buttons? This would force the user to register thus leaving some of his data to you in order to access such downloads
Let me know what you think
Thank you
Hi Paul and Stefano,
1 & 2 - I see, I do wish some of this was a bit more customized, but thank you anyway for the responses.
3 - As I explained earlier, the problem is that my client likes the expiring link in order to prevent copying etc. Not to mention that they'd like to have the data from the cart all together.
Using that method that you described would involve having to set up an entirely different system which couldn't be aggregated into the overall stats count of who purchased what. Additionally, the access page would involve having people to register - my client does not wish to have that kind of information stored in the website.
All that they'd want is to be able to list items as free or paid, and for them to be able to purchase it without confusion or a complex system, and preferably for it to be all together.
Hello Melissa
@3 - I think that if you want the free stuff in the same project and the download link, then you have to use the shop, and then set the price to 0.
Hi John,
That's not the issue. The problem is that when I do that, if a user wants to just buy the free item, then they are faced with having to use Paypal, which doesn't work with free items, and therefore defeats the purpose. It just complicates matters.
Paul and Stefano,
Just an idea. I know that the store creates the expiring link. Is there any way for me to get that same concept [the expiring link] without going through the store, but still through Website X5?
Hello Melissa
I was convinced that the PayPal was bypassed when the amount was 0. This must be a kind of bug in the software
There isn't any way to achieve that objective directly through WebSite X5 alone.
What you could do (which may or may not be acceptable given your point of view) would be to generate an expiring link using one of the free or subscribed online services, for example:
You could then point this link back to a file within your WebSite X5 project on the server.
John - I would like to believe it's a bug, but it seems like [as per a previous post of mine in which I asked about it] that it's not the case.
Paul - Yes it seems we're having to settle with that for now.
I do wish though, that my clients don't have to settle for alternatives rather than doing what the program intends. There are so many things that Incomedia could do to improve their programs which just...aren't done. And it becomes frustrating that I have to be telling them no, and when they ask me why, I have to tell them that the program just can't do it and it's not exactly a satisfactory answer.