V2021.4.5: Bug with Download Button and previous file 
Autore: Axel
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With the object download button there is this bug.
If I change the download file name for a new one, during the export the previous file is exported too.
So the file is put on the remote webserver with no usage and uses some space disk for nothing.
Should be nice to have juste the configured file exported !
Hope a quick fix.
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Hi Axel,
that seems to be nor bug. You have to delete the old fily by using the right mousebutton and 'delete'. Than you have to type in the new file.
Same functionallity than in other cases ... like picture pbject.
BR, Klaus.
Hello Klaus,
Ok. But if you have many pages with a download button and you forgot to do that... !!!! After it is not possible to fix the issue.
And all old file are exported too.
So it is necessary to have a way to stop this export and not by hand to try to find into directories where is hidden the file.
It should be automatically done by the software when you change a filename...
And it is not documented nowhere and there is NO DOCUMENTATION and RECOMMENDATION for any additional object.
So for me, I persist, it is a bug because the software does not do that automatically.
It so evident !
@Klaus, all
And now how to remove the old files ? what is the step to do that ?
Hello Axel
I can confirm that this is indeed possible and has been marked as a bug already which is due to technical reason on how the pluginApp is built.
Can I ask you to try and delete the Download Button Object completely from the page and export again? I assume that the file is no longer uploaded, correct?
What if you now create a new one?
Try this out and keep me posted here
Thank you
Hello Stefano,
I spent a lot of time to undertsand... I have too many pages and files mixed...
it is very time consuming !!! because I have more than 1 or 2 pages.
I remove the donwload button, exports again, and the file is always exported.
Sometimes the file is not correctly exported like here
Please find other solution/workaround because
By the GUI is too hard.
And pleas asks to the dev team to fix this object created with a bad structure !
Send me an email if you need to have the project.
Hello Axel
Thank you but the project won't be necessary
We will be examining the issue on the PluginApps in general, so it might take a while unfortunately
As soon as news on this becomes available, it will be made known to the entire community
Thank you