Youtube link not working in Mobile 
Autore: Josef Ž.
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Unfortunately, Youtube videos embedded on the page in the standard way, stopped working on mobile devices. Only black rectangles are displayed. On PC everything works. Can someone please advise me? Without this feature the site is completely useless. For example, the website
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(It > En) ...!... you put too many of them weighing down the page download due to simultaneous video connection...!...
... you have to allow time for the video connection to be completed...
... on my smartphone your YT videos work regularly with a click...
I'm afraid that's nonsense. Even after waiting several hours, the video will not appear. It can't even be displayed on a site where there is only one video....
Posta il link della pagina che non vedi il video..
Comunque attenzione che il tuo sito NON ha il certificato SSL !!!
Chiedi al tuo Host di attivare il certificato SSL, e poi attiva il reindirizzamento da http a https
... on my PC, and also on my smartphone, ... everything is regular (!), ... as I have already said and verified before, ... "everything comes to him who waits"...
everything works correctly on Android devices - if you wait. Unfortunately, iOS doesn't work for anyone here. :-(
Good afternoon Josef
I've tested this page with different iPhones and all of them display the YouTube videos just fine
How many devices did you try? What version of iOS are they running? What model is it and what browser are you using?
If you try it with other iPhones does it work?
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