Hello!I need your help. I have a licensed website X5 pro program. 
Autore: Евгений Ш.
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Hello!I need your help. I have a licensed WEBsite X5 pro program. I have this hosting specified in my settings:
The hosting expires on 07/25/2022
I tried several times to upload my project through the built-in program explorer step number 5. Everything was fine until I mistakenly deleted important configuration files from the folder tree above the folder level: "public_html"
And now, when I try to upload my project to hosting again, I can't do it. Returns an error. Please see the screenshots.Please tell me how to fix it??
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More photos of my mistake below
а по Русски? а то тут всем пофигу на иностранцев)))
Hello Eugene
If you deleted this folder, we will need to proceed with a manual reset of your webspace to allow you to upload again. I've forwarded the request to the developers in order to proceed with this.
I'll let you know when it's done
Thank you
Привет Евгений
Если вы удалили эту папку, нам нужно будет выполнить ручной сброс вашего веб-пространства, чтобы вы могли загрузить его снова. Я направил запрос разработчикам для продолжения.
Я дам вам знать, когда это будет сделано
Hello! I am writing you a letter asking for help 3 times already. Since your employee Stefano Ji promised me on May 4, 2022 to help with my problem here on this page:
Today is already May 13, 9 days have passed, and my problem has not been solved:(((( Please restore to me the folder structure on my dedicated hosting: https://evgenij-s.websitex5.me
I probably deleted some of the important settings folders by mistake. Since I can't upload my demo site, it constantly gives a download error!!!
After downloading:
not found
The requested URL was not found on this server.
In addition, when trying to use ErrorDocument to process the request, a 404 Not Found error was detected.
I really hope for your help. Waiting for your reply.
Hello Евгений
I apologize for the delay in completing this. I can confirm that the hosting space has been reset. You now need to activate it again and you should be good to go
Please try this out and let me know if it works for you
Thank you
Hello Stefano!
Thank you very much for your help.
Everything now works like a Swiss watch :)))
Thank you for your time spent on me.
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