Evolution 10-Custom Template: How to create footer with a different link to each item in the footer? 
Autore: Mary W.I recently purchased the new Evolution 10, and I have a question about how to do something in the software, that I'm hoping someone can answer for me: I started with a blank custom template that I have arranged the way I want it to appear. I am trying to add a footer to that template by following the instructions to go to: General settings, Custom template, Edit Graphic Template. I am trying to add the following footer, and have typed this text into the text box under "content": Home | Contact | Quality Guarantee | Privacy & Security | Site Map | Register I then went to the top of that screen where it says: "Customize the template's header and footer by using commands in the toolbar". One of the commands shown there is "add a link". I want to link each section in my footer to the page in my website that provides information about that topic. Here is how I tried to do this: while in the text box, I highlighted each section in my footer one by one, and created a link to the matching page. I saved after creating each "link". I saw the correct page appear in the link window for each category in my footer, so it looked like it was working correctly. However, when I was finished, and clicked "save" and "Preview" , it did not show up correctly---it had actually linked each section in my footer to the "register" page, which is the last item in the footer that I had created a link to. I don't know if this is a glitch in the software or if I'm not doing this correctly, since it seems like the process I followed should have worked. Can someone please tell me how to do this correctly? Thanks much! Mary
Do you have thelink to theirpageorprint screenofthe inputsto more accuratelysee what theyhavedone
Here is the screen shot of what I described above:
Hello Mary,
Did the text is an unique block or are they separated elements?
To have different links in the header or footer you need to have separated text objects and for each one then it's possible to add a different link. If it's one block then it takes the last link you added to the object.
Many thanks!
or with a HTML-Code in the footer:
<div style="font-family:arial; font-size:12px; color:#00FFFF; font-weight:bold;">
<a href="index.html">Home</a>
<a href="contact.html">Contact</a>
<a ......
Hi Claudio and Little-key,
Thank you both for your replies and assistance.
Claudio, I have the text objects in a row--but that must be the reason that it is picking up the last word as the link for each text word in that row.
Little-key--thank you for the the HTML code to put in the footer....I tried to do it that way, and followed the code you gave me, putting each of my text words for the footer in the HTML as you show it done, but when I hit preview, each of my footer links does show up at the bottom of the page, but when I click any of them, I get an error message that says "page not found", however the pages for each link DO exist in my website and are named exactly what the footer link calls them. Is there something else I need to do to make the link for each of them work?
I attached a screenshot of how I did the HTML for the footer and the layout of the links. Can you advise me what I might be doing wrong?
Thank you!
Hello Mary,
When you add as page name as example "quality & guarantee" then you have to add the link to "quality---guarantee.html" since it adds a - instead of a space and special character, since there are some hosting servers that cannot support them in the links.
You need to check the file name in step 2 by opening the properties so you will fint the name of the generated html file.
Please feel free to write back if you need more information.
Thank you so much for your reply and help!
When I went to the page where I typed the html for the footer, (see the screen shot below) the "add a link" in the toolbar at the top is greyed out...so it is not giving me an option to click on the individual "text" objects that contain the sections for the footer in order to link them each to the page in the website that corresponds to them.
I'm not sure how to add a link when the "link" icon is greyed out. I've been able to add many other links to my site, this is the first page where the link icon has been greyed out and not clickable. Am I going about doing this the wrong way?
Hello Mary,
With the html code it is not possible to add the link with the function but it's necessary to edit the code manually by changing the part after href=" with the correct html file name like this:</p> <p><a href="quality---guarantee.html">Quality & Guarantee</a>
The other option is to use separate text and add to each one the link with the builtin function.
Many thanks!