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T B.
T B.

Why are videos uploaded twice. Once to directory FILES and a 2nd to VIDEO.  en

Autor: T B.
Visited 1909, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

I have a one page web site with 4 videos each linked by a description.  For example "Graduation" links to an mp4 video.

When ftping, I noticed two copies of each movie, one going to directory FILES and a second copy (exactly the same size) going to directory VIDEOS.

The 4 videos are ~1.5 GB so 4 would be over 3GB, quite large to upload and to store.

Checking web pages I uploaded using earlier version of Evolution, I did not notice the double storage.

Please explain if I am doing something wrong or if this is normal for V12.


Posted on the
T B.
T B.

Using a different ftp program, access the web server and deleted the directory containing the 4 videos. So the only thing left was the directory name.  Then did a fresh upload of all the web page files using Evolution V12.

This morning, using the other ftp program, checked the directory and found that the "files" subdirectory has a copy of all 4 videos and that "videos" has a copy of onl two videos.

Open the web page using my browser and checked all 4 videos links, they all worked.

So is there an issue?  Why are multiple copies of the same video required in different subdirectories and why on some occasions all videos are duplicated and on others, only a few?

Please advise?  Will Evolution V13 resolve this apparent conflict?


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Posted on the from T B.
Paul M.
Paul M.
T B.
Using a different ftp program... This morning, using the other ftp program...

Are you using a third-party FTP program to upload your website files to the server?

If so, is there any reason why you are not using the built-in FTP engine which WebSite X5 provides?

Using alternative software introduces the possibility of operator error, whereas WebSite X5 always ensures that the correct files are uploaded, and that they are put in the correct locations on the server.

Please be specific about your exact upload procedure.

There are no known bugs in WebSite X5 version 12 which relate to duplicated files on the server, such as you describe.

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Posted on the from Paul M.
T B.
T B.

I am not using a 3rd party ftp program to upload any web pages. I develop, test, and ftp all my web pages using only X5 Evolution.


1. I developed a one page web page that contained intro text, 4 pictures, and a title below each picture eached linked to one of 4 different videos.  I previewed and it worked OK.

2. First time ftping, clicked EXPORT, entered info about host folder, etc and selected Upload all files. While X5 was ftping to directory "2000HS", I saw my 4 videos were being uploaded twice,  ~3.5GB just for the videos.

3. Using Firefox, I viewed the web page, wanted to change wording, so back to X5.

4. Modified the web page text, saved, previewed, clicked EXPORT and this time selected to only export files modified. When the WebSite Export to Internet window displayed, I checked the "files" and "videos" subdirectors and found that all 4 videos were again in each directory.

5. I did not ftp, went back to MAP and PAGE creation, double checked my web page, saved, and previewed. It was good to go.

6. Using the third party ftp program, I accessed my host account and deleted the directory "2000HS" and all the content, and then created "2000HS" again. So there was nothing in that directory.

6. Back to X5, just before X5 ftp the files, I checked the "files" and "videos" sub directories and found 4 videos in "files" and this time only 2 duplicates in "videos". I continued with the ftp using X5 noting that the 6 videos (2 duplicates) were ftped.

7. Next using the 3rd party ftp program, I accessed my host account and checked the "files" and "videos" subs in the 2000HS directory.  The attached jpg shows the duplications.

Please advise. Do I delete the duplicate files in one of the subdirectories? And if so, which one?


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Posted on the from T B.
Claudio D.

Hello T. B.,

Did you previously add the videos on a audio/video object and then you removed the object?

Since the videos are already online why you don't replace the links with the URL of the files online so you don't need to export them again?

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
T B.
T B.

Hello Claudio,

1. Yes I used X5E13 to upload the web page and videos previously.  Tested the web page, made corrections with X5E13, then using E13, updated the web server.  When I saw the duplications being uploaded by E13, I let it complete.  Then I used FZ to deleted the web server directory and all files.  Then using FZ, I created the directory again and using X5E13, uploaded all files and videos again.  Still saw dups, but not all the videos were duplicated to the two server subdirectories, files and videos.

I will explore eliminating the unnecessary videos by using FZ to change one video name at a time, and then testing the web page. As I do that and the page works, I will delete the duplicate video.

2. You are right, of course : ), about just changing the links in E13 to point to videos already uploaded.  I did not use that option just to keep it simple for me.  Need to keep it simple.  However this morning, I using FZ ftp, I uploaded videos and used the showbox E13 option to just link to those videos.  Worked fine.

Thanks for your help. If this duplication of uploads comes up again, I will submit another post.

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Posted on the from T B.