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James Becker
James Becker

Can't connect to server  en

Autor: James Becker
Visited 1351, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

All of a sudden I am unable to connect to my server for one of my sites, all my others connect without any issues. The site inquestion has always connected in the past, but today I am getting "Can't connect to the server" error message. See the attached image. 

Anyone have any ideas??

Posted on the
Andre E
Andre E

Maybe there is a problem at the webhosting side. Check with them.

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Posted on the from Andre E
James Becker
James Becker

Thanks for the reply Andre... I've got 8 other sites on the same VPN... and they all connect without any issues. It is only this one site.  :(

Any other ideas???

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Posted on the from James Becker
John S.
John S.

Hello James

I have 7 sites at the same provider.

Occasionally on some or two of these sites ( different sites ) , I get the ftp-connection error.

It is probably the provider - have you tried with another FTP-program.

If for example FileZilla comes with the same message then it IS the provider and has nothing to do with the X5 software - if you CAN connect with another FTP-program, then it probably has something to do with your X5 software - settings or other things.

I advice you to try with another FTP program - just to see ....

Kind regards

John S.

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Posted on the from John S.
James Becker
James Becker

HiYa John,

I am able to connect using FileZilla but I get the error message when using WSX5 to connect... but only on this one site.

Anyone else have any ideas???

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Posted on the from James Becker
Andre E
Andre E

If filezilla works then x5 should also.

Try to set options on or off in the export module, try also to empty the predefined path, it will after connection automaticly asked by x5 to set it after you have manually selected the correct folder.

It could still be that 7 projects work and 1 not, because a provider uses multiple servers and if 1 has a problem then the others will still work. But again if filezille connects, x5 should also try my suggestions, alse a restart of pc that's a long shot but sometimes it does the trick if pc has not been set off for some time.

Maybe your firewall or interferes as well, this does not happen a lot but sometimes they can be very nasty on strange connections/words or whatever they see at that time so try without or check / reset the rules of the firewall.

Hope one of these help James,

Best Regards

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Posted on the from Andre E