Redirect a visitor from a restricted webpage 
Autor: John S.Hello INCOMEDIA
I think it would be a good idea, to give users a possibility to redirect their users to a specific page, if the user access a restricted page. As it is now, the user just sees a login-page. It would be good instead, to tell the user what happened.
It could be made very simple.
In line 8708 ( version 14 ) the imlogin.php should be a variable.
Then somewhere in setting to have a checkbox and a input-field : __ use ____________ as not-logged-in page.
Then a text that says that the page should not be a X5 page.
That should be all.
It is simple to make manually, but in the ongoing version, the replacement of the name imlogin.php, will be gone by a new update.
You can see an example I have made ( ver 11 ) here :
If you try to access the Area 1 or the Area 1-1 then you will see the page that is used instead of imlogin.php.
You could also try to see this page : ( then the back will have no function )
It was made for this post :
The enhancement could be made without interfering with existing solutions.
If the checkbox is not checked ( default ) , then the system acts exactly as it does now.
If checked and a pagename ( not a X5 page ) is given in, then this page is shown.
The user should make the "not-logged-in page" himself.
Nothing else should be done.
Kind regards
John S.