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Sue Thompson
Sue Thompson

Login or Register  en

Autor: Sue Thompson
Visited 1642, Followers 2, Udostępniony 0  

I found the icon to login, but they need to register first so how can this be done?

Posted on the
FABRE Danielle
FABRE Danielle


Glad to having help you with the little basket wink

To add a product, you have to click on Add but it's necessary to create your e-shop before.

May be it will better for you to follow the help on line. I give you some indications:

Step 1: E-shopping: complete these 5 steps :

In the fourth you have to indicate your data base (firstly with your hosting).

When everething is OK, you have to create 1 or many pages with the objects to present yours products.


You choose the product concerned.

You made some ajustments and it could be like this

Don't hesitate to look the Help.

It's not easy the first time so you can ask some help here again.



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Posted on the from FABRE Danielle
John S.
John S.

Hello Sue

If it is this login  you mean then :

In v. 14 PRO there is the possibility that users can self-register ( in a database )- BUT - this will not help a lot.

Before the registration a user has done, should have effect, you need to :

Accept the user via the admin-panel.

Use the X5 software to "download" the users from the database. AND then you have to upload the project to the web.

The only thing that all this is good for, is that you can have a user give in the information in a database, instead of sending it to you from a form.

It looks silly when I try to explain it - and it is quite silly.

I think INCOMEDIA has made it this way, so that users like us, shall get the feeling that when it is made the right way, then we will feel that it is a good thing with this Update Protection.

Kind regards

John S.

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Posted on the from John S.
Elisa B.

Dear Sue, 

thank you for your message. 

Please follow Danielle's and John's advice. I also give you here the link to the online guide about the creation of an online shop, which I am sure you will find useful:

Thanks! I wish you a lovely day.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.