Transparent header text 
Autor: Roy C.
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I've just upgraded and exported website to Evo from V11 with the help of Paul (moderator).
Working on header image and text in Evo doesn't appear to offer the options I had in V11.
I have my header image in place. Now I want to add my title text over the top. I want the text to have a clear background and I also need to be able to edit the text - different colour outline, drop shadow etc.
For the life of me I can't see how to do this.
Posted on the
Hello Roy,
If you double-click on the Title Object in Step 2 Template Content (after having dragged and dropped it over your header image) then you will enter the Title Object properties screen.
You then need to alter the settings highlighted below, to your liking:
Kind regards,
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Title Object
How to change Header and Footer
Hi Paul
Okay I've sorted that out but there doesn't appear to be as many options for title design as there was in V11. It's also very slow at showing preview and returning to template.
I have to say I regret upgrading. Version 11 was much more suitable to our needs.
Thanks for your help.
Hi Paul
Also it appears you can only choose one style from the drop down menu, where with V11 you could include more than one style in the header title
Is it possible to cancel my Evo downlaod and return to V11?
The Incomedia support staff will be able to assist you further in that regard, Roy. They have the weekend off but should pick up your request on Monday. I don't work for Incomedia.
I'll flag this thread for their attention.
Many thanks Paul
Sorry to have put you to all that trouble but I had no idea how different Evo was.
All the best
Hello Roy
I am sorry to hear that you're so discontent with the newest version.
Keep in mind that it is highly unadvisable to keep on working with such an older version such as the v11 as of now for a number of reasons. Some of these are:
1_ The v11 doesn't support Responsive Design. Without this, Google will hardly consider your website to be up-to-date and will produce a lot of issues with indexing and SEO
2_ The v11 might present some options that the new one doesn't, but the new one also offers a lot more than the v11 used to. Keep in mind that many options were also removed due to them being very outdated in style. Some other options might also have been simply moved but still be there
3_ The v11 is no longer covered by the official support.
I would like to help you understand how to achieve similar results, if not the same, you could achieve with v11. Please let me know here exactly what it is you're missing and I'll try to help you out with it
Thank you
Dear Stefano
Thanks for your prompt reply.
I'm not sure where to go with this as I realise that V11 is now very old. Having spent many years in graphic design (when we used pens, pencils and paper!) the areas of our website, which are design based are important to me. Our header typeface and logo is our most recognisable feature. Unfortunately Evo doesn't have many of the features supported in V11 as far as header design style is concerned and I was very disappointed that this had been changed so significantly in Evo. Also, for me, I don't find Evo particularly intuitive to use.
If you look at our existing website header - - and look at the Fast On Water text; that is what I would like to achieve. I've added the appropriate typeface - Concelian Alpha - but the reduced style options in Evo limits how I can elaborate the text.
If you have any ideas it would be much appreciated.
Kind regards
Hi Stefano or Paul
I was wondering where you had got with suggestions.
You could save your existing logo as a transparent GIF image file, and superimpose it on the header background in version 2020.
Hello Roy
I can agree with Paul
In order to achieve the same effect, you could save the logo as an image and insert it over a background image on the Header.
This could technically reproduce the same effect just as you need it
Try it out and let me know if that works for you
Thank you
I'll try it and let you know.
Hi Paul and Stefano
That has worked, thanks. But I still have other issues. I've added a search box to my header and set it to have a border all the way around but it's only showing on three sides (see attachment).
The other issue is that the preview screen doesn't always open. I get the page come up and the green bar along the top. It gets about two thirds the way alonng and stays there and the page doesn't open. If I then close the preview screen and try again to open it in the header screen it isn't responding at all and neither is the save button. I then have to wait a couple of minutes before either button will respond.
All help gratefully received
Many thanks
I may be wrong but I think Stefano might be on holiday this week so I will answer in his absence.
If I had to stab a guess I would suggest that you need to enlarge the container holding your search field in the template content:
You can use the little handles (small white square boxes) to enlarge or reduce the container dimensions. Once the container is big enough I think your search box will show correctly.
You can also use the 'Bring to Front' and 'Send to Back' commands highlighted in the screenshot to give priority to items as you see fit. For example, if your search box shares space with another item then using the 'Bring to Front' command will allow it to float on top of the other item.
As regards the 'freezing' issue I will offer the same advice which I give to all in similar situations. By far and away the prime culprit of such symptoms is antivirus software, firewalls, restricted user permissions. So always run WebSite X5 as an 'Administrator' with full privileges, and try temporarily bypassing any antivirus/firewalls to ascertain if they are interfering with the program's operation. You can add an 'exception' in most cases which will exclude WebSite X5 from over-zealous security software scans/processes.
It also helps to ensure that your Windows installation is fully updated, and that you have up-to-date drivers for your computer hardware. If problems persist, reboot your computer and start WebSite X5 from a clean boot.
Lastly, make sure there are no empty cells in your project... see this thread for an explanation regarding this: