Problem uploading blog 
Autor: Eduardo S.
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I upload my website and everything works fine, except my blog.
If I click in my blog page, in firefox it appears a blank page and in chrome it says "http error 500"
Same happens when in my contact page, after you click the "send" button in the message´s form.
Both of them are .php pages.
Any idea?
Posted on the
Hello Eduardo,
WebSite X5 requires a minimum of PHP version 7.1 to be installed and configured correctly on the server:
What are the minimum requirements for the server?
Does your server comply with these requirements?
Could you provide a link to the website in question please?
Many thanks!
Search the WebSite X5 Help Center
My php version is 7.4, and hosted by godaddy
Thanks for your answer
Thanks for the link, Eduardo.
Please check the error logs on your GoDaddy server for detailed information as to what exactly is not correctly configured on the server.
If you do not have logging set up at present then you can use these official GoDaddy instructions to rectify this:
GoDaddy - set up PHP error logging
Once the logs have been set up you can revert to us with the information which the logs produce, or you can ask GoDaddy hosting for support in interpreting the logs.
You can also try running phpinfo() on your server:
GoDaddy - using phpinfo
WebSite X5 will not operate correctly if you are unable to run the phpinfo script on your server without errors. However, this is not a WebSite X5 issue, it is a GoDaddy issue.
They say they cant solve it.
I tried to find the file "user.ini that the link you sent me says, but I am not able to do it
Could it be from the last version update of website x5?
Are you able to run phpinfo() on the server? There is no need to create a user.ini file for this.
Can you please provide a link to phpinfo on your server, once you have uploaded the phpinfo file as per the instructions from GoDaddy?
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
If you are unable to run the phpinfo script from GoDaddy then PHP is not installed and/or configured correctly on your server, and WebSite X5 simply will not work in that case. GoDaddy will be able to assist you in this instance.
If on the other hand you do manage to upload and run the phpinfo script, then we can help you further.
I've attached the file that you require to this post, Eduardo.
Please download this file and then upload it to the root folder of your WebSite X5 project folder on your GoDaddy server. The root folder is the main folder, which amongst other things has the index.html file in it.
Please let us know once the file has been uploaded.
I have done it and this is what it shows
Thanks Eduardo, that was very helpful.
Your server is currently set to suppress the display of PHP errors on the screen (as shown in the screenshot below):
Can you please ask GoDaddy support to switch display_errors = ON, as we will need this for the next step of troubleshooting. Please let us know once this has been done.
This is a temporary change... once we have worked out what is wrong with your server configuration we will switch PHP displayed errors off again.
I have contacted 3 different times with GoDaddy and any of them know how to do that.
One of the agents told me that he cannot find the index.php file (from, but I can find it in my CPanel, so not sure if this agent was very reliable about this.
So, any solution from Godaddy
You are correct that the index.php file is definitely present on your server, Eduardo.
If the GoDaddy team are not able to assist you then you could try this alternative method of logging errors on a GoDaddy server:
Set up custom-defined PHP error logs in cPanel for my Linux Hosting (GoDaddy)