Engine fail 
Autor: Torben RavnMy site says this in the top
"Warning: Undefined array key "auto_increment" in /customers/a/1/6/made2you.dk/httpd.www/res/x5engine.php on line 6057 Warning: Undefined array key "auto_increment" in /customers/a/1/6/made2you.dk/httpd.www/res/x5engine.php on line 6057 Warning: Undefined array key "auto_increment" in /customers/a/1/6/made2you.dk/httpd.www/res/x5engine.php on line 6057 Warning: Undefined array key "auto_increment" in /customers/a/1/6/made2you.dk/httpd.www/res/x5engine.php on line 6057 Warning: Undefined array key "auto_increment" in /customers/a/1/6/made2you.dk/httpd.www/res/x5engine.php on line 6057 Warning: Undefined array key "auto_increment" in /customers/a/1/6/made2you.dk/httpd.www/res/x5engine.php on line 6057 Warning: Undefined array key "auto_increment" in /customers/a/1/6/made2you.dk/httpd.www/res/x5engine.php on line 6057"
This is the site https://made2you.dk/brudepigekjoler.php
Where can I make this fine again.
1. In the Websitex5
2. Or with the hosting compagny
Look forward to some can help me, I have seen this before on another site I have. It is especially when I choose the function in the webshop where I use stock of goods. It otherwise works fine with the number of items there at your disposal
Looking forward to hearing from some wise heads who are smarter than myself
Best recards from Torben Ravn
check with your hosting company if they have php v8 running there