X5 2022 does not recognise onedrive 
Autor: Patricia S.
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I normally put files (eg pdf; photos etc) that I want to use in the project on Microsofts OneDrive.
Up until now I have been able to select these files from OneDrive within Evo. However after applying the latest upgrades the option to use OneDrive has been removed and I can only access my local hard drives.
I use OneDrive to enable files to be shared between two computers.
Unless I am missing something this is a backward step.
Advice please.
Posted on the
tieni presente che puoi ancora utilizzare la vecchia modalità..
basta che tieni premuto il tasto CTRL mentre fai click su
quando vuoi inserire un'immagine o un media
Thanks for replying.
I can see OneDrive when I hold the ctrl key down but still cannot see or select any files. The file extension looks odd to me.
Patricia, could it be that when you installed the latest version WX5 reset the default folder?
If so you can change the default location in preferences
set the path to c:\users\username\onedrive\. . . . .
If you have always used the onedrive folder as your default location, you have been very lucky (onedrive can cause major issues). If I have misunderstood, my apologies.
Thanks for your reply. I do not store the project on OneDrive.
I have pdf files and jpg files that I want to bring in to the project and I put them on OneDrive as a means of getting these files from another computer to the computer that I have the project on.
The file extention looks odd to me - (*.)
Patricia, how are you getting to the point where it lists the file type as *.
I have tried a link to a pic, link from text (eg click here) but cannot reproduce this file type in the file selection pane. Are you perhaps using an optional object and trying to link a pdf or jpg?
Thanks for replying. I am attaching a file to show you what is happening. The left side of the image shows the text link. The middle shows the display if I just click on the link to change/update the pdf file - please note that this only displays folders/files from my local pc. The right side of the image is when I hold the ctrl key down when clicking on the link to change/update the pdf file that is on OneDrive - it is then that the odd file extension shows '*.'. I think if this file extension could be changed to '*.*' then it would work.
Kind regards
Patricia, I have reproduced the fault!!
It only happens if you use the control key to open the file menu.
I have notified Incomedia of this anomoly (bug?).
I had never found this issue because I never (until now) used the control key, I simply navigated to the appropriate folder (this odd (*.) extension always appears if CTRL is used irrespective of folder you wish to browse, it is not limited to onedrive)
To work around your problem, simply click on the folder (do not use the CTRL key), then scroll up the directory tree to c:\, browse to users folder\your name\onedrive