How to publish/display all articles, also those with future dates? 
Autor: Jeanne S.
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Hi, I'm using the Blog to display Events.
I just noticed that Blogposts with future dates are not displayed (since for WebsiteX5, they count as not yet published).
Any hack to show all - including those with future dates - blogs on the exported website?
... Thanks!
Posted on the
Why should the blog articles appear before the date and why not just change the date?
Because they are Events on my Website, and future Events are supposed to be seen so people know which concerts to visit.
The date of the concerts can be given independently of the release date.
----- Blog -----
Concert XY Band on November 12, 2022
Lorem ipsum ...
Posted October 23, 2022
Or have I misunderstood something?
I could. But I want to have it my way, which looks and works more elegant.
Except this limitation. So I'm looking for a hack or workaround to have all blogs published regardeless of the date.
Would it be enough if the WebSite X5 post date was invisible?
Maybe the moderator KolAsim has a code for it.
The date of the post could then be inserted below in the regular text.
Thanks for your replies, but this is very repetitive. I know all this, and I also have a code from the wonderful KolAsim to remove the post date.
But in this case, I want to use the dates and just have the posts published even if the date is in the future.
Será cuestión de la traducción que no comprendo realmente qué es lo que necesitas.
Si creas un post para que aparezca el 1 de diciembre de 2022
Pero lo quieres ver ahora mismo publicado en el sitio... ¿por qué ponerle que se publique en fecha futura?
No tiene sentido.
Deberías dar un ejemplo más claro de qué es lo que deseas.
Tal vez te refieres a que esté visible unicamente la ficha con la portada y el estracto y la fecha de publicación, Pero, que el post no esté activo hasta la fecha futura que se indica.
¿Al estilo de "Proximamente"?
Coloco una imagen editada en photo - shop.
Si te refieres a esto, si tendría sentido y sería interesante tener esa opción. Que estén ya listas en el servidor pero no activas (que no las puedan leer) sino como aviso de lo siguiente que viene.
Hello, Miguel,
if this "Coming Soon" thing is a possible solution, I'd take it :P
However, I just want the blogs to be published immediately. That's all I need.
As said, on this website, the Blogs equal Events, and if an Event (Blog) is invisible people won't know there is an event in the future they can visit and buy tickets for.
----- Jeanne S. -----
However, I just want the blogs to be published immediately. That's all I need.
The blog does that quite normally, if you take the current date as the publication date.
The date of the events is given in the headline or in the normal text.
So what's the problem?
Daniel W., "thank you" for insistently commenting four times in my thread without saying anything helpful.
I told multiple times what I want and why I want it. I don't need anyone to tell me what I want. That is not helpfulness, that's wasting one's time and nerves.
Sorry, don't want to waste my time either.
Maybe another person understands what is wanted here, I don't understand.
Hello Jeanne
Your request is clear to me, but unfortunately there's just no way to do this from the software itself
If you configure a blog entry with a future date, it will only become available once the actual date is reached. There is currently no way around this when using the blog functionality specifically
I remain available here
Thanks Stefano! I hope it'll be possible as a setting in the future ;)
Best wishes!