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J. Van Parys
J. Van Parys

Shopping cart email notification not working in version 2024.2.7  en

Autor: J. Van Parys
Visited 274, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  


I have a website with shopping cart. It has been working fine for years.

Now I updated my version to 2024.2.7 and my website was converted to this latest  version.

In my shopping cart "sending order" section (settings -> shopping cart -> sending order) I entered the "admin e-mail adress" AND checked the "send an email to notify the data has been received".

As a result, the customer gets an email with his order (this is still working) AND a mail is sent to the "admin e-mail address" but this is NOT working anymore. there is no error message whatever but the mail never arrives.

When I check the orders in the admin tool (website name/admin) the orders are correctly in there (as expected since the customer gets his confirmation email).

 To be sure I sent a mail to the admin email address from my outlook account and that works fine (as expected since I didn't change anything in my website).

Has someone had a similar experience ?

Thanks for helping!

Posted on the
Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Najlepszy Użytkownik miesiąca EN

In the current version, the code for sending emails has been changed, which is causing problems for some web hosts.

As a solution in WebSite X5 under ...

     5 Export > Export website to the Internet / Parameters

     ____________/ Email /

...uncheck the box...

     [_] Allow sending from alternative senders

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Posted on the from Daniel W.
J. Van Parys
J. Van Parys

That did the trick !!

Many thanks Daniel.

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Posted on the from J. Van Parys