Method Shippment and Payment Ecommerce cart 
Autor: Ricardo Alves
Visited 1252,
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Udostępniony 26
Howdo I knowthe type of paymentor shipmentthat was chosenby the customer?Inorder thatI receiveby email,this informationdoes not exist.Please checkthe attached file.
And whatis the format thatshouldhave the logotoappearinthatform?I've tried.Jpg,.Png,gif, anddoes not work.
Thank you.
Posted on the
Hello Ricardo,
If the user select the method of shippment and payment, you should received the confirm in your email address. You verify in the settingecommerce cart at the past 4 which the parameter for payment and shippment are requested. Don't you receveid the logo in your email? Have you try to download ultimate version?You can try the new version in the section "Download" of Answers.
I have excactly same problem, in the custormors copy these information is included, but in the order recivers copy, these information is missing, I have set the payment and shipment to cost 0,01 DKK then the information is included, but if I set these things to 0,00 the information about payment and shipment is not included.
Lars Vinge
Pleaseread theprevious/original post.
I haveversion9.0.2.1699.
I've trieddifferent servers.
I've triedall theconfiguration possibilitiesoffered by the program.And it not works (I do not receiveinformation aboutshippingand paymentmethodchosenby the customer).
This is the linkto the store.Please check:
If you needtotal project, I cansend toyou.
I hope tosolve this problem with your help.
Thank you.
Ricardo Alves