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BUG 1 WebSite X5 Update Peview browser  en

Autor: FLAGSA ™
Visited 4729, Followers 2, Udostępniony 0  

BUG 1 WebSite X5 Update Display error in preview browser as per image. This frame has 3 scripts which I will send to you, none of them control CSS height.

BUG 2 Also generation image problems when viewing in preview browser. When images are accessed in editor they are there and going back to preview browser they are then present.

Bug 3 WebSite X5 Update No audio to audio file located on my host server, worked with V9 in preview browser. You can upload an mp3 and test it yourself in preview browser

Posted on the
Uw Pc Dokter Uden
Uw Pc Dokter Uden

Solution at this tme is simple. Assuming you have a back-up made with V10 original setup.

Uninstall v10 and reinstall original setup. Replace all projectfiles whith those from the back-up en reopen your project.


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Posted on the from Uw Pc Dokter Uden

This makes no sense and is some bad advice, since it was emulated as a new V10 creation with the same results as the orginal site before complaining about the bugs

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Posted on the from FLAGSA ™
Uw Pc Dokter Uden
Uw Pc Dokter Uden

Well, first of all, I'm only trying to help and my advice is based on my own experiences with V10.

The only bug i could find in the original version was the logo in sent e-mail (see my other posts)

After the updates in wich incomedia claims to have fixed the e-mail bug my entire project was scr*wed up. And the e-mail bug was not fixed.

In my case reinstalling the original setup from v10 and loading a back-up solved the problem. So my conclusion is that incomedia was a little to fast in releasing the updates.

I wouldn't call that bad advice.

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Posted on the from Uw Pc Dokter Uden
Claudio D.

Hello Flagsa,

Can you please write the link to your website to see the code?

If you added custom code you need to try without it to see if it depends on the custom code used.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Uw Pc Dokter Uden
Uw Pc Dokter Uden

I tried the updates again, it seems the problems with messing up the project are solved but the e-mail logo issue is not!

I still have to manual edit the image and the file x5settings.php in the res folder.

See screenshot

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Posted on the from Uw Pc Dokter Uden

Please ignore Uw.P comments with regard to the errors we experience, they differ completely.

BUG 1 As per above, the URL is have tested this with another template and no problem however with the template Elegant you have supplied it scrambles as per above image. This is on complete install of WebSite X5 Update, not an upgrade from previous version

BUG 2 This is a clean installation of WebSite X5 Update, images missing in preview but when accessed in Editor they are present and then reentering preview browser.

BUG 3 No audio either when ticked in preview pane or in preview browser, this is a step backward as no audio or video will play either from file, web in preview pane or preview browser. This is irrespective of templates chosen. Checking audio is important, especially when we offer multiple audio files for CD catalogues.

Claudio I await your feedback solely.



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Posted on the from FLAGSA ™
Uw Pc Dokter Uden
Uw Pc Dokter Uden

My last comment in this post.

@ Flagsa, maybe you should learn to read instead of flaming at me.

My problem and probably yours were caused by the initial update to

After reinstall and redownloading the updates the issues were solved.

That's why i posted in this topic, not because i had the same issues but because they probably have the same cause.

You might just try it instaed of...


Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Uw Pc Dokter Uden

Dear Uw. P please stop interfering ing our problem report, you are confusing the matter and the method you have suggested does not work in this instance. So politely we ask add not further posts as we are awaiting Claudio's feedback after the holiday. Your interferrence and insistance is not appreciated.

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Posted on the from FLAGSA ™

Claudio V9 Elegant is Shop 29 template in V10 with displaced scripts. (This does not happen with other tempalted purely Shop 29 template.

Audio pertains to V10 preview pane and Web preview emulator.

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Posted on the from FLAGSA ™

Claudio we have sorted bug 1 out by rewriting the script and it works fine now added divs to address problem.

Only Bug 2 and Bug 3 remain problematic

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Posted on the from FLAGSA ™
Claudio D.


Can you please tell me about question 2 how big the images are and what format has been used?

3: Have you tried to copy the url in the preview and to open it in a new broswer to see if it works? What format are you using for the audio?

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.

I will answer 3 firstly, it is .mp3. I see that .mp4videos also do not play in preview mode. It looks like your faster browser has non of the audio of video characteristeristics assembled. Although it works properly when uploaded. it seems a jack-ass way (short cut way) of making the preview browser faster - a step backward, pay for a new version and get far less ability in the preview browser. The aim of the preview browser is to ensure everything is set up right before upload right? The fact the preview browser says you must have HTML5 or flash i.e. for videos indicates that the preview browswer is striped down version of an HTML browser, see image below. Please note I amge using windows 8, 64 bit. The audio and video on and CRPSRadio do not display or audio in preview mode.

I will get back to you on Bug 2 but must locate pages as we have 100's on this site.

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Posted on the from FLAGSA ™
Claudio D.


about the audio not playing in the preview can you please try to install chrome browser and then install this plugin

Once done test the preview again and if it's not working download the attachment and unzip it. Then move the Extensions folder in the installation folder of WebSite X5 v10 in program files.

Please keep me updated.

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Diosdado  M.
Diosdado M.

Bug reported same as I have, bug reported should be corrected that is why we are upgrading the system,

We need another upgrade version of x5 V10 2,2.6

hope bug will be corrected by then.

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Posted on the from Diosdado M.
Diosdado  M.
Diosdado M.

same problem with me, files that were delete remains undeleted, menu colors unchange, we need another version

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Posted on the from Diosdado M.

Hi Claudio,

Many thanks Chrome works but it seems a really messy way of doing things. What was wrong with the preview browser in V9 which worked perfectly on Windows 8. In the release notes it said this browser would result in faster previews. Not so!!! I know there are many different browsers but why did you not allow us to choose the browser instead of dictating. It makes creating a site with your preview browser lackluster. Secondly in the preview pane which is not addressed by this it is still inoperable.

I see there are many other complaints regarding the same issue in Bug 3. Please look at another method even reverting to the preview browser in V9 for use, allow us to elect the browser of our choosing.

With regard to Bug 2, the image size is 127kb in size

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from FLAGSA ™
Claudio D.

Hello Flagsa,

It has been chooses to use a modern browser based on chromium instead of the installed Version of Internet Explorer because some Windows Version has not the most updated and then the content looked differently on every computer.

In this way you see the content like it will appear on most computers directly in the Preview without the need to test in before on several browsers.

Please try to install the new beta update in the program after joininng on by adding your product code of V10 and check if the issues are still present.

Many thanks!

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Claudio D.

Hi Claudio,

Many thanks for the answer, it gives great clarity in the thinking of Inconmedia. I will put a suggestion forward to allow us to change the browser. While you have addressed those who have not uptodate browsers, you have penalised those who have which is wrong! We test  our sites on all major browsers IE, Safari, Opera and Firefox but never Chrome due to privacy concerns (i.e. complaint registered with EU commission iro privacy as cited on Skygrid). Is it feasible for the browser to be an add on extension spawned from X5? In my opinion it would be a more professional way to tackle the issue instead of forcing us to go to an alien browser that has privacy concerns.

XsitePro 2 Website software does not force us to change preview browsing why should Inconmedia?

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Posted on the from FLAGSA ™
Claudio D.


WebSite X5 is not using Chrome as preview Browser but only chromium which is the engine used in Chrome to render the pages. I suggested to install Chrome because chromium uses the same extensions of Chrome when it cannot find them in the computer and the most practical way to install them is through Chrome.

The choice of Chromium comes from the possibility to preview the pages in a modern browser which supports html5 features completely instead of using the installed Version of Internet Explorer.

Please feel free to write back if you need more information.

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Claudio D.

Respectfully, you omit that I must copy the url and launch Google Chrome and paste the URL as chromium has no ability to launch the plugin ext. Really it is a step backward just to test - it requires a manual intervention and is a square peg in a round hole option - very lackluster from the developer (easy shortcut). In my opinion and I am sure many others that we have the processing power, latest equipment and processors to use any browser. Making the browser backward compatible penalises those whose equipment and software is up to date. Consider this you are doing what Microsoft got fined for regarding their browser being forced in installation - that is truly anti-competitive. You subject us to avert our own IT policy with regard to Google Chrome and that is just not right!

We understand why Inconmedia did it but it is for the wrong reasons, allow us to spawn the browser of our choice rather than to subject us to your choice.

If I look at the value of V10, it really is a mish-mash of V9 with not hundreds of new features but just a few gallery changes, property changes in a different place. It just had a paint job and that's it. Worth the money we forked out, NO! At least not the first two releases of V10. Allow your developer to read this please.

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from FLAGSA ™
Claudio D.


In most cases the plugin is already installed and only in cases that the plugin is not installed then the fastest way to install it is with chrome. We are not using our browser but an open source project which permits the use of functions that IE in most computers didn't permit because in some cases users have still IE8 installed and this Version is nut supporting HTML5 code and even rounded corners.

Many thanks!

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Claudio D.

Understood that users have not updated their browsers probably because they have old technology PC's and probably because of the financial situation also. In the mind of Microsoft IE 8 is not longer supported by them with updates. It is the first time I have seen backward compatible software not following the norm of progressive technology. So you are stating Inconmedia is focusiing on old software users firstly and then a work around with new technology and software users. Now I understand Inconmedias thinking but it is truly backward and so March 19, 2009 and so XP. Two generations of operating systems Vista, Windows 8 have come. The thinking is so alien to me as we approach 2014 your catering for backward compatibility will be 5 years old. How long will you continue with backward compatibility?

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from FLAGSA ™
Claudio D.


The program is based an the new web standards and to allow a full rendering of all functions the internal browser allows to run the same code on all computers modern or less but the result is the same: a new html5 code compatible with mobile devices. The code generated is notr backward compatible. It is following the new standard. The Progeam can run on older OS but this doesn't means that the result are not modern and following the new web standards.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.