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Marcio Artacho Frugiuele
Marcio Artacho Frugiuele

Videos do not run on all browsers  en

Autor: Marcio Artacho Frugiuele
Visited 2870, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

Hello dear, Good day!

 I have a problem: I'm develping a website for a cinematographer who does not want to put videos on traditional lodging such as youtube or vimeo, preferring something more discreet and personalized ...

 Well, the site in question is this:

Clicking in the last 3 pictures below, where we have the video in MP4 tests, they do not run on all browsers, or are very slow. Why? Is there any reason for this?

 IE does not work

 Safari does not work

Chrome works

Windows Phone works

Opera does not work

ipad works

iphone works

Please, I would likesome helpas it is ajob andneed a solutionfor the customer....becausethe silk cotton layerusuallyneed to openanotherbrowseron anyformatofvideo??

Thanks and hugs, Marcio

Posted on the
Marcio Artacho Frugiuele
Marcio Artacho Frugiuele

Sorry because my english is not very well...i used de Google translation... 

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Posted on the from Marcio Artacho Frugiuele
Marcio Artacho Frugiuele
Marcio Artacho Frugiuele

Good night!
I discovered something:
In InternetExplorer(videomp4insertedviaWEBSITEx510),does not openat all...just getsthe message"buffering"...I waitedover 10minutes andnothingThe otherbrowsers,Safari,Firefox,Opera.....justopening,butveryslow,too...need to waitabout 3,4, 5minutes open.Theone whoopensinstant,butis notfluidoéChrome.thesecondtime you openthesite, thevideoloadsbetter.
Myinternetisbroadband,has nonavigation problems,isonlya problemon thesamesite.
I wantedsome help...

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Posted on the from Marcio Artacho Frugiuele
Marcio Artacho Frugiuele
Marcio Artacho Frugiuele
Marcio Artacho Frugiuele
Good night! I discovered something: In Internet Explorer (video mp4 inserted via WEBSITE x5 10), does not open at all ... just gets the message "buffering" ... I waited over 10 minutes and nothing The other browsers, Safari, Firefox, Opera ..... just opening, but very slow, too ... need to wait about 3, 4, 5 minutes .... to open. The one who opens instant, but is not fluid is Chrome. the second time you open the site, the video loads better. My internet is broadband, has no navigation problems, is only a problem on the same site. I wanted some help ...
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Posted on the from Marcio Artacho Frugiuele
Claudio D.

Hello Marcio,

Check if the Flash Player is ungraded in the Browser where it's not working and then check it again. About the speed and the loading check if the mp4 are optimized for streaming then there exists this option when you create them to make them buffer better when you watch them online. Another factor to wahtc out is the hosting server because some, mostly on a shared hosting, offer a limited speed and this can lead to slo loading of videos.

Please keep me updated.

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Marcio Artacho Frugiuele
Marcio Artacho Frugiuele

Thanks for thefeedback!
However,did the following:I didso thesiterecognizes the"device"navigation(ifmobileordesktop)andit opens theright site-orFlash,orMP4....and it worked!
Mynewsingleexception,is aproblem I encounteredthese"tests":
The program creates

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Posted on the from Marcio Artacho Frugiuele
Marcio Artacho Frugiuele
Marcio Artacho Frugiuele

Thanks for thefeedback!
However,did the following:I didso thesiterecognizes the"device"navigation(ifmobileordesktop)andit opens theright site-orFlash,orMP4....and it worked!
Mynewsingleexception,is aproblem I encounteredthese"tests":
The program createsautomaticbackupsof files used...but asI wasdoingthetestfile,MP4andFlash,to see whichopeninbrowser,to my surprise,when Iupload the files....the programcreatedbackupsautomaticmultiple filesMP4andFlash....I think arethe tests,correct?Is there anyway to keepupdatedonlywith filesin use,without theprior?Sothe files actuallyusedin the the Annex,you can seewhat I'm saying,how many filesthere aremultmidia(created by the program,notby me!)Andactuallysoused "6"files!

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Posted on the from Marcio Artacho Frugiuele
Claudio D.

Hello Marcio,

also noticed the same behavior and I already informed the developers. They will check the issue and, in case, fix it in the future updates. You will receive a notification of a new update in the opening screen of WebSite X5 and you can see the changes made in the updates on .

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Marcio Artacho Frugiuele
Marcio Artacho Frugiuele

Ok Claudio, thanks!!!

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Posted on the from Marcio Artacho Frugiuele