Registration form does not inform me of Registrations from AOL or Yahoo 
Auteur : Marc G.
Visité 2005,
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I have used Incomedia website X5 evolution 10 to set up my own website.
I have set up a registration form for my hockey school. Everything works fine, customers receive automatic registartion response, except when they register with an AOL or Yahoo email adress. They receive the automated response, but I receive no registration form or record of them having registering for my courses.
Would greatly apreciate any help here
Thanks Marc
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Hello Marc,
Did you set in the email form in the Send Tab to use the email of who filled the form?
If yes it could be your hosting is not allowing to use as sender email these services. You can try to leave the field blank so your email is used to see if in this case it works or try to change email script type. This depends more on the hosting settings than on the program otherwise no email would arrive since it is the hosting mail server which sends emails and it could be some domains are not allowed.
Many thanks!
Hi Claudio
Thanks for the reply. Under the send tab If I check the "sender email" box it only gives 1 option which is the your (Ihre) e-mail adress. For the line directly under that box, " User e-mail adress." I can not leave this blank, it says fillout all mandatory fields..
How do I go about changing may email script type ?
Hello Marc,
I refer to the field "sender e-mail address" in the Send Tab which needs to be enabled. Try to untick it and then export it and test it.
If this should not help then you need to contact your hosting provider to ask why the emails from these email services are not sent to you since it can only be blocked by them.
Many thanks!
Hi Again Claudio
There are 2 fields "sender email" one on the left "data submission" side of the Email form object page
one on the right " confirmation email to the user"
If I uncheck both boxes "sender email adress" it finally works with Yahoo and AOL email adresses
however I receive the email from my host adress, doesnt show me the senders email adress (customer).
The "user email adress" form on the left must be filled in with an email adress , or else I cant continue.
On the right side it give only the option "Ihre Adresse" (Your adress)
If I check the left side "sender email" only doesnt work at all (no data submission to my email account)
If I check the right side "sender email" I only receive the registartion data in my forwarded email account, not the business Email account
Not sure how to set it uo So I also receive the customers email adress on the incomming registartion form.
Thanks Marc
Hello Marc,
It seems on your hosting the mail server allows the email form only to work in this way and you will find the senders email in the email itself but not as sent from his email.
You need only to untick "sender email address" in the left part and on the right you leave it how it was working already before.
Unfortunately in the program there is no option to change the hosting server configuration and you need to leave this field on the left side unticked since otherwise your hosting server will not allow the email to be sent to you. You could try to aks your hosting why this is not working and in cade if they can change it so the email script will show you as sender the email of the visitor who filled the form otherwise you will find the email directly in the content of the email.
Many thanks!
Will try it out...
Take care