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Keith M.
Keith M.

Polaroid Gallery not showing  en

Автор: Keith M.
Просмотрено 1821, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I have 2 versions of a website in developmen  &

I placed the polaroid gallery in bedr2 with no problem (in Photo Gallery under Pictures & Stories).  It showed up correctly in the Preview.

I added the polaroid gallery to bedr3 (in Photo Gallery under Stories & Pics) but it will not display in Preview.

The only change between bedr2 and bedr3 is my Win 10 system just went through a MAJOR update.

I am at a loss as to what might be the issue

BTW:  I can not find my licence info anywhere....

8 Ответы - 2 Полезно
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Keith,

I would suggest (in the first instance) that you uninstall and then reinstall WebSite X5.

I have asked the Incomedia staff to help you with your licence issue.

Kind regards,


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Размещено От Paul M.
Keith M.
Keith M.

Will the staff send me a new download/install link with my licence key?

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Размещено От Keith M.
Paul M.
Paul M.

They'll take care of everything for you, Keith.  They usually respond within 24/48 hours.

Be sure to let them know the email address which you used when you first purchased/installed/activated WebSite X5.

You can set this thread to 'Private' if you like by clicking on the small padlock icon at the bottom right of your first post.  This will keep any email addresses/other data, etc. hidden from public view.

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Размещено От Paul M.
Keith M.
Keith M.

I found my original email with the download link and licence key but the download expired in 8-17-16.  I also have my reference ID..I will send a note to tech support.

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Размещено От Keith M.
Keith M.
Keith M.

I have registered the licence but under another email address.  Somehow I have 2 accounts.  This one is NOT the one I purchased with. 

Must remember to use correct account when logging in...

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Размещено От Keith M.
Keith M.
Keith M.

Still no joy afer uninstall/re-install

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Размещено От Keith M.