This is the first request in my "series of posts" - which should "provoke" the Incomedia to update the e-commerce part of the X5 PRO version into the real PROFESSIONAL VERSION...
REQUEST #1 > VAT calculation improvements:
> VAT change by the country: Canada has different VAT's depending on the territory.
> SMART VAT rules:
VAT changes in the case the buyer is a private person and in the case the buyer is a company (rules for EU based company and rules for non-EU).
This should be done automatic by using the registration data or IF THEN ELSE loop within the web-shop buying process.
> VAT change by the product groups (FOOD, LUXURY etc.) - many countries have different VAT depending on the product category. I know that we can do this manually in the product's settings - but having VAT categories would strongly facilitate future web-shop maintenance.
@ Incomedia - I'm ready to explain the above in details and I'm ready to TEST it for FREE.
My main goal is that X5 PRO becomes a real PROFESSIONAL web-shop building platform (even if the software price goes up) - hopefully this is your intention too.
@ USERS - please support me by your comments and suggestions - thank you!
+1 pour éviter des solutions alternatives comme PRESTASHOP
Thank you guys!
Feel free to post your own requests - the amount of similar post is the way for making this necessary updates to be noticed by the Incomedia...
tired to ask again, again, again ...
Sorry Sinisa.
@ Axel

Yeah, I know - you've done so many on this forum Incomedia should pay you a hefty fee... I meant about the other users - the "quite ones"...
Interestingly - no reaction of the Incomedia girls and guys yet...
Hi Sinsisa,
I confirm that I have forwarded your request. Please consider WebSite X5 was born to enable anyone to begin their journey on the web, so it is conceived to fulfill very cross-cutting needs. Still, we are working to improve it so it can also fulfill more specific exigences as well. As always, unfortunately I can't tell you for sure if and when this or this suggestion will be implemented, but I will bring the attention back on this aspect.
Thank you! Kind regards.
@ Elisa
I love the simplicity of X5 - that's why my company bought a licence.
My requests are not posted because I do not have anything better/ smarter to do!
My post are here because - in a nutshell - without the Incomedia fixes/improvements of the mentioned issues I can not finish building the webshop!
I think this is a good reason to pester you with my posts.
Nevertheless, I'm not disappointed: this software is still one of the best WYSIWYG web-building software out-there!
But - and that is the thing that frustrates me - with a little effort of the developers - this software (especially e-commerce part) could become the #1 tool in building (small) webshops on the market (and I can finally be able to finish my e-commerce project).
Elisa - thank you for your effort in "encouraging" your IT team to act and fix these according to mine and others (reasonable) requests.
Hopefully we would see some of those implemented in the next program update.
As I wrote before - I'm not against the PRO version price increase- IF the e-commerce part gets a significant update according to the numerous user's posts!
Thank you!
Hi guy's, I am using "WebSite X5 pro" getting the same issue, I'm from India here I need VAT to replace as GST. How to change in VAT setting? I think this is not a big deal to the developer's, but this is very necessary for us.
@ Srikanth Palavai
Do you mean to simply replace the word VAT with GST?
This is not the first request to enhance e-commerce tax calculation for Canada or USA but answer are always the same
« Bonjour, je vous remercie pour ce message. Comme cette fonction n'est malheureusement pas disponible dans le logiciel, j'ai marqué votre message en tant qu'Idée pour que cette nécessité puisse être signalée et prise en considération. Merci, je vous souhaite une bonne journée.
Posté le 06-08-2019 02:35:54 de Elisa B. »
https://helpcenter.websitex5.com/ru/post/200422 Posté le 09-10-2018 20:48:21
https://helpcenter.websitex5.com/ru/post/215402 Posté le 05-08-2019 06:25:20
One day those request will be considerate for true Internationa e-commerce
+10 . X5 is wofully behind so many other solutions for e-commerce. Time to consult with the users who know what they need. Adrian
Please update as USA use TAX, not vat