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Paul C.
Paul C.

Blog contents now http error 500  en

Автор: Paul C.
Просмотрено 1826, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 0  

Updated to the latest website pro today uploaded to server and now the whole content of the blog has vanished with an error 500 message, even trying a preview in software brings up nothing.. ideas?

7 Ответы - 2 Полезно - 1 Корректно
A. Kris
A. Kris

Hi Paul, Tried to re-export only the blog or the whole site? 

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Размещено От A. Kris
Paul C.
Paul C.

i uploaded the whole site, it wouldnt even show in preview, i turned off the new seo feature and it now working after uploading so i dont know if it was coincidence or there maybe a bug, but im leaving that feature off for now

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Размещено От Paul C.
Paola G.
Paola G.

I have the same problem with my blog

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Размещено От Paola G.
Paola G.
Paola G.

Paul, I also turned off the new seo feature and il works

Tanks for the intuition!

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Размещено От Paola G.
Luis Rogelio Z.
Luis Rogelio Z.

Yo, apagué el botón y nada, sigue sin funcionar ni el blog ni paginas protegidas, etc, que hago para restaurar mi sitio?

Ayuda por favor

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Размещено От Luis Rogelio Z.
Michele C.


thank you for reporting it. We're currently investigating on this matter.

Thank you,

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Размещено От Michele C.
Paul C.
Paul C.

Latest update has cured this thank you

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Размещено От Paul C.