Preview on pc is not same as on mobile phone 
Автор: Jan Van Den Berg
Просмотрено 1323,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
I have made an mailform on my contactpage.
It looks on every screen in preview on my pc good. screenshot 1
But when I open this page on my mobile phnone, the form looks squashed together
and here how it looks on a mobile phone.
Plze advise.
Thank you in advance.
These errors may occur if the internal links are not set up correctly. You appear to have uploaded this project to a test directory and as a test website. In this case, in step 5 Export, select 'export the website to the internet' in the 'URL of the website' field and adjust the entry. You probably have to enter
there. Maybe this will fix the display problem.
Jan Van Den Berg, I see the same issue on my mobile (although worse in Chrome than Firefox). I do not know the reason, but is it possible you are using a font that is present on all Windows PC's but not mobiles? As a test, pick a google font (eg Roboto) and embed it in your project, then select that font for the form text.
Franz-Joseph and Esahc, thank you both for your responses.
The solution to the problem indeed lay in the font choice as Esahc suggested.
Thank you very much again!